
It is django based quiz app for multiple choice questions.

Primary LanguagePython


It is django based quiz app for multiple choice questions.

Snaps of project

Login: alt text

quiz: alt text

results: alt text


  1. Installations

Make sure to have python version 3 install on you pc or laptop. If not install it from here
Clone repository
cd django-quiz-app

  1. Installing dependencies

It will install all required dependies in the project.
pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Migrations

To run migrations.
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

  1. Create superuser

To create super user run.
python manage.py createsuperuser
After running this command it will ask for username, password. You can access admin panel from localhost:8000/admin/

  1. Running locally

To run at localhost. It will run on port 8000 by default.
python manage.py runserver

  1. Reference

I have refernced this quizz app from tomwalker's original repo. Reference link to the quiz app repo is here