Rel FAA Flight Model Project


This codebase contains source code for the FAA Flight Model Project in Rel, developed to demonstrate the capabilities of the RAI system and use of the Rel language. It contains files from RAI Console for loading the flight data and many example queries and manipulations of the data.

Getting Started

  1. Acquire your OAuth Client ID and Secret from your account manager.
  2. Put your credentials in a file called config inside a folder called .rai inside your home directory on your computer:
    host =
    client_id = <your client_id>
    client_secret = <your client secret>
  3. Clone this repository (git clone and open the folder in VS Code (File > Open Folder...).
  4. Click the four-squares icon in the left sidebar to open the Extension Marketplace. Search for "RelationalAI" and click Install.
  5. Use the RelationalAI icon in the left sidebar to open the RelationalAI panel. Create and select a database and an engine.
  6. Load the data:
    • Open data/load/load-simple-data.rel, select the whole contents of the file (command-A) and do shift+enter to run.
    • Select RelationalAI: Load CSV from the command palette (command-shift-P) and enter the name states_data. Select the file data/asset/states.csv.
    • Select RelationalAI: Load JSON from the commmand pallete and enter the name us_states_geojson. Select the file data/asset/us-states.json.
  7. Run example queries in query by selecting them one at a time and doing shift+enter. Outputs will appear in the RAI Output Viewer on the right.

Data Sources

The flight data is public, located in several places:

  • In this AWS Bucket from RAI (uploaded from BigQuery)
  • In BigQuery from Malloy:
    • malloy-data.faa.airports
    • malloy-data.faa.aircraft
    • malloy-data.faa.aircraft_models
    • malloy-data.faa.carriers

This project is inspired by the documentation from Malloy.


Check out the files in the guide directory for a guided tour of the code in this repo.