
A simple URL shortener that can be install on any web server support mysql and php

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PROJECT_SURL created by ssysm

A simple URL shortener that can be install on any web server support mysql and php

If you need one for NodeJS&MongoDB -> Click Here

Try it before you install

Try it out at http://theeditor.studio


1.Download this repository and put in your root of your server.

2.Create database called "project_surl".

3.Import file 'project_surl.sql' to your database.

4.Edit file in folder "backend/config.ini.php" with YOUR domain, database password & username & name

5.Have fun with it!

Know Issue

1.File ".htaccess" might only work with Apache web server.

2.SEO issue need to be solve.

3.It might have a chance to generate same short url.

Extra Component Used

SweetAlert -> https://github.com/t4t5/sweetalert

To-Do List

1.Solve Know Issue

2.Make a installer

3.Add support for admin panel

4.JavaScript? NodeJS?

5.Desgin UI

Made by ssysm for TheEditorStudio