Final Project of Distributed Systems Programming

Film management website

Project's Description: PDF

The structure of this repository is the following:

  • "Client" contains the code of the REACT client implementation;
  • "Mosquitto Configuration" contains the Eclipse Mosquitto configuration file;
  • "REST APIs Design" contains the OpenAPI document describing the design of the REST APIs;
  • "Server" contains the code of the Film Manager service application;
  • "Server/json_schemas" contains the design of the JSON Schemas.

main page's screenshot. main page's screenshot. main page's screenshot. main page's screenshot. main page's screenshot. main page's screenshot. main page's screenshot. main page's screenshot.




Since each time the user refreshes the page he gets the latest information from the server and the rate of the information updates are not high for each film/review it was decided to not use the retention for this project


Because it is king of important to notify the users about the updates and receiving multiple messages won't cause any problem it is decided to use QoS of 1

MQTT topics:


  • film/$filmId/activate This topic is updated whenever activate/un-activate a film for reviewing which the id of the film is $filmId. The related schema file: mqttFilmActiveModel.schema.json

  • film/$filmId/review This topic is updated when a new review is published for the film with the id of $filmId. The related schema file: mqttReviewModel.schema.json


  • review Whenever a film is created, updated or deleted the data of the film is published in this topic. The related schema file: mqttReviewModel.schema.json

  • review/$reviewId/rating When the rating of the review with the id of $reviewId is updated the changes are sent in this topic The related schema file: mqttUpdateModel.schema.json

  • review/$reviewId/review When the text of the review with the id of $reviewId is updated the changes are sent in this topic The related schema file: mqttUpdateModel.schema.json

  • review/$reviewId/date When the date of the review with the id of $reviewId is updated the changes are sent in this topic The related schema file: mqttUpdateModel.schema.json

default users

user 1: username: password: 123456789

user 2: username: password: 123456789

user 3: username: password: 123456789