GOREality is a platform where users can submit real horror stories and browse through the existing archive.
The stories are broken down into categories, articles and chapters.
Users can create accounts and login via mail/password or through Facebook (integrated API).
There are 4 types of users:
- unregistered users - no privileges
- registered users - can only read articles and browse the site
- editors - can create, edit and delete their own articles
- admins - can create, edit and delete any article, category or user. can also give roles to users
The site features a navigation bar, a search function, sorting and filtering capabilities. Editors can use HTML5 to markup the text in their chapters.
Artciles are versioned, with admins having the privilege of deleting versions or restoring to an older version. There is also a log of modifications that appeared after each article update.
Home page shows most recent article from each category.
Admin account: admin@gmail.com | Password: Parola1!
Editor account: editor@gmail.com | Password: Parola1!
User account: user@gmail.com | Password: Parola1!