
My solutions to some of Project Euler's problem

Primary LanguagePython


My solutions to some of Project Euler's problem (Ongoing Project)

key concept: if A is multiple of B, B is a divisor of A (A/B have no remainder)

key concept: the Fibonacci sequence

key concept: Integer factorization

key concept: a palindrome number is a number that reads the same forward and backward

key concept: a is evenly divided by b <=> a leaves no remainder when divided by b

Problem 7: 10001st Prime

key concept: Prime numbers

key concept: sliding window technique

key concept: Euclid's formula for generating pythagorean triples, which states that: given an arbitrary pair of integers m and n with m > n > 0. a = m²-n², b = 2mn, c = m² + n²

key concepts: Triangular number
Formula to find a triangular number Tn: Tn = (n(n + 1))/ 2

Problem 13: Large Sum