
Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


DYnamic Environment variable Deamon


Please note that dyed is written entirely by chatgpt (including this readme.md) and is used at your own risk!

dyed is a simple tool that monitors a configuration directory for changes and outputs the contents of all regular files in the directory to a single output file. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the dye utility to dynamically update environment variables based on the contents of the configuration directory.


To build dyed from source, simply clone the repository and run make:

$ git clone https://github.com/st0nie/dyed.git
$ cd dyed
$ make

This will produce a binary named dyed that can be installed anywhere in your system.


dyed is typically started as a daemon in the background, so that it can continuously monitor the configuration directory for changes. To start the daemon, simply run:

$ dyed &

By default, dyed will monitor the ~/.config/dye directory for changes and output the contents of all regular files in that directory to /tmp/dyed.env. These defaults can be overridden by specifying the directory and output file paths as command line arguments:

$ dyed /path/to/config/dir /path/to/output/file

Configuration File Format

A configuration file is a plain text file containing environment variable assignments in the format NAME=value, one per line. Blank lines and lines beginning with # are ignored.

Example configuration file:



dyed is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.