
šŸ‘€Simple view of Google Calendar

Primary LanguageRuby



The vgcal command was created to simplify the display of my Google calendar schedules.


$ gem install vgcal

First run

Setup Google API

  1. Create Google Cloud project
  2. Enable Google Calendar API
  3. Create service account
    1. Create a service account
    2. Create credentials for a service account
    3. Please save the following information
      1. Email address of the issued service account
      2. credential.json issued to the service account
  4. Set up sharing settings for the Google calendar you want to display in vgcal
    1. Share a calendar with specific people
      1. Add the email address issued in the service account.
        1. share-calendar.png

Setup vgcal

$ vgcal init
Fix the __FIX_ME__ in /Users/shota-ito/.vgcal/credentials.json and /Users/shota-ito/.vgcal/.env

# Save the key issued by the service account as credentials.json
$ cp ~/Downloads/__SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY__.json ~/.vgcal/credentials.json

# Please write the email address of the calendar you would like to display in vgcal.
# This is not the email address of the service account.
$ vim ~/.vgcal/.env


# help
$ vgcal
  vgcal help [COMMAND]  # Describe available commands or one specific command
  vgcal init            # Make directory and template credentials.json for Google authentication
  vgcal show            # Show google calendar
  vgcal version         # View vgcal version
$ vgcal help show
  vgcal show

  -d, [--date=DATE]                          # Show relative date. ex.-1, +10
  -c, [--current-week], [--no-current-week]  # Show current week tasks
  -n, [--next-week], [--no-next-week]        # Show next week tasks
  -s, [--start-date=N]                       # Start date. ex.20210701
  -e, [--end-date=N]                         # End date. ex.20210728
  -o, [--output=OUTPUT]                      # Output format. [text|json]

Show google calendar


Today's schedule

# Today's schedule
$ vgcal show
Period: 2021-07-24T00:00:00+09:00 - 2021-07-24T23:59:59+09:00

My tasks: 5.25h(0.66day)
  惻all day task 1: 0h
  惻all day task2: 0h
  惻meeting1: 2.0h
  惻meeting2: 0.25h
  惻meeting3: 3.0h

Invited meetings: 0h(0day)

# This week's schedule (starting on Sunday)
$ vgcal show -c

# Schedule for 5 days ago
$ vgcal show -d -5

# 1 day later
$ vgcal show -d +1

# Schedule for 2021/07/01 - 2021/07/28
$ vgcal show -s 20210701 -e 20210728

# Formatted json
$ vgcal show -o json | jq .
  "start_date": "2021-09-05T00:00:00+09:00",
  "end_date": "2021-09-05T23:59:59+09:00",
  "tasks": [
      "title": "all day task 1",
      "time": 0,
      "task_type": "my_task"
      "title": "task a",
      "time": 1,
      "task_type": "my_task"
      "title": "task b",
      "time": 1,
      "task_type": "my_task"


$ git clone git@github.com:st1t/vgcal.git
$ cd vgcal/
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec ruby exe/vgcal show -d -5
$ rake spec

  has a version number


Finished in 0.01492 seconds (files took 0.75345 seconds to load)
4 examples, 0 failures
