A complete e-commerce website with HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT ,also using PHP and MYSQLi during the process to maintain a database...!!!
- Responsive Navigation Bar with toggle effect
- Responsive Carousel with Glidejs
- Categories Section
- New Arrival Products Section
- Contact Section
- Footer
- Responsive PopUp
- Product Page with Pagination and Sorting
- Product Details Page with Image Zoom Effect
- Cart Page
- Responsive Login Page
- Responsive SignUp Page
1.) Download XAMPP Control panel on your system. Link -- https://www.apachefriends.org/
2.) Start APACHE server and MySQL module form the XAMPP control panel.
3.) Click on the Admin button corresponding to MySQL. You will be redirected to localhost/phpmyadmin.
4.) Now, create a new database named "ecommerce" under the database section.
5.) Similarly, create a new table in your database named "users" and of 4 columns.
6.) Set up the fields : id, username, password, created_at . Make id as auto increment.
7.) Now Fork this project into "C:\xampp\htdocs" , i.e , wherever your XAMPP is located.
8.) After all these setup, hit url "localhost/ecommerce" on a new tab in your browser to see the project running.
1.) Tanisha Bhadani --- https://github.com/tanisha-bhadani
2.) Rahul Verma ------- https://github.com/inexorable23