
Build Status

To start your new Phoenix application:

  1. Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  2. Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phoenix.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


This uses the phoenix static buildpack.

ExTwitter.Model.Tweet structure

We are going to be streaming ExTwitter.Model.Tweets into our database. The structure of one of those is as follows:

%ExTwitter.Model.Tweet{contributors: nil, coordinates: nil,
 created_at: "Thu Jul 02 12:41:00 +0000 2015",
 entities: %{hashtags: [], symbols: [],
   urls: [%{display_url: "bit.ly/1GQjkm6",
      expanded_url: "http://bit.ly/1GQjkm6", indices: 'Qg',
      url: "http://t.co/glk1sfwhDz"}], user_mentions: []}, favorite_count: 0,
 favorited: false, geo: nil, id: 616587375062290432,
 id_str: "616587375062290432", in_reply_to_screen_name: nil,
 in_reply_to_status_id: nil, in_reply_to_status_id_str: nil,
 in_reply_to_user_id: nil, in_reply_to_user_id_str: nil, lang: "en", place: nil,
 retweet_count: 0, retweeted: false,
 source: "<a href=\"http://twitterfeed.com\" rel=\"nofollow\">twitterfeed</a>",
 text: "lang/elixir/bsd.elixir.mk @ 391136: Add helper makefile for Elixir applications. http://t.co/glk1sfwhDz",
 truncated: false,
 user: %ExTwitter.Model.User{contributors_enabled: false, utc_offset: -14400,
  following: false, follow_request_sent: false, id_str: "2218195068",
  profile_background_color: "C0DEED",
  profile_image_url: "http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000812206542/e0e817590ddd46782ffbe848a4244d88_normal.png",
  followers_count: 39,
  description: "Tweets of FreeBSD Ports code changes, managed by @swills",
  default_profile: true,
  entities: %{description: %{urls: []},
    url: %{urls: [%{display_url: "src.mouf.net/ports",
         expanded_url: "http://src.mouf.net/ports", indices: [0, 22],
         url: "http://t.co/ZYzYhwEh4z"}]}},
  created_at: "Wed Nov 27 17:54:25 +0000 2013", location: "",
  geo_enabled: false, statuses_count: 567, name: "FreeBSD Ports",
  screen_name: "fbsdports", profile_sidebar_border_color: "C0DEED",
  profile_background_tile: false, time_zone: "Eastern Time (US & Canada)",
  default_profile_image: false, friends_count: 1, favourites_count: 0,
  is_translator: false, id: 2218195068, lang: "en",
  profile_background_image_url_https: "https://abs.twimg.com/images/themes/theme1/bg.png",
  notifications: false,
  profile_background_image_url: "http://abs.twimg.com/images/themes/theme1/bg.png",
  listed_count: 6, is_translation_enabled: false, protected: false,
  profile_image_url_https: "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000812206542/e0e817590ddd46782ffbe848a4244d88_normal.png",
  profile_text_color: "333333", profile_sidebar_fill_color: "DDEEF6",
  verified: false, profile_link_color: "0084B4",
  profile_use_background_image: true, url: "http://t.co/ZYzYhwEh4z"}}

We store the tweet body, the image url, and the source url for each tweet.

React and API bits

There's currently an API and a React-based UI that fetches the latest page of tweets and renders it, and then handles any incoming tweets from Phoenix Channels by live-updating the view. The API supports pagination but since transitioning to a React and live-updating frontend the app doesn't presently have pagination links.


  • Convince someone to contribute a pretty UI
  • Add pagination links within React application