
Application REPL Interface - select functions evaluable with nREPL, hide everything else.

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Application REPL Interface - select functions evaluable with nREPL, hide everything else.



Simply use defnremote instead of defn if you wish to expose your function to the remote nREPL user. Default policy is to drop every message received through REPL, except for evaluation of defnremote'd functions.

defnremote - accessible via remote nREPL

(defnremote defnremoted-send-message [from to message]
  (send-message-impl from to message)
  (str "message sent, thanks for using our REPL API!"))

everything else - inaccessible via remote nREPL

(defn normal-hidden-by-default []
  (str "any code that is not defnremote'd, try to find me (you can't)"))


Clojars Project

  1. Add this to your project.clj

    [protected-eval "0.1.8"]
  2. [Default nREPL] Add this to your project.clj

    :repl-options {:nrepl-middleware [protected-eval.core/eval-apply-remote-only]}


    [Emacs+CIDER] Add this to your project.clj (allows to inspect classpath + some additional commands, less restrictive)*

     :repl-options {:nrepl-middleware [protected-eval.core/eval-apply-remote-only-cider]}

    Start with lein repl :headless. After connecting to this nREPL instance, you will be able to access defnremotes only.

    If you launch an nREPL server with lein repl (non-headless), you have to use protected-eval.core/eval-apply-remote-only-non-headless and protected-eval.core/eval-apply-remote-only-non-headless-cider versions of the middleware.

    You have to require your namespace with remote functions somewhere (if you're using an isolated ns) for your functions to be resolved.

    *Emacs+CIDER eval-apply-remote-only-cider middleware description:

    "Same as eval-apply-remote-only, but works with Emacs CIDER REPL (eval in repl buffer) Less secure. Following nREPL operations are allowed (necessary for minimal CIDER repl connection):

  • classpath: return a sequence of File objects of elements on the classpath.
  • clone initiates (copies) a new session, nothing is disclosed
  • describe transmits a collection of available nREPL operations (lists all of them, disregarding nrepl-protected limitations)
  • close closes nREPL connection
  • interrupt interrupts nREPL connection"
