
Single-page re-frame chat you can post to remotely with your REPL

Primary LanguageClojure

re-frame REPLchat

Running at replchat.stacksideflow.host

Restricted remote nREPL chat posting with protected-eval

Post a message with an Emacs REPL:

  • Connect to REPL instance at port 5557
  • While in clj REPL buffer: (replchat.remote/post-message-with-repl "Your message")

Check out your message at https://replchat.stacksideflow.host

Quick rundown

  • Simple merged sign in/sign up, passwords are hashed, basic cookie is issued for submitting chats and udp'ing user online status to the server
  • MaterialUI-powered
  • .cljc password speccing for ClojureScript and Clojure based on common s/def
  • Backend built on Aleph + MySQL CRUD, migrations are run on each launch by default, wiping app state

Start app (:development)

Launch an nREPL instance, in this case with Leiningen

lein repl :headless

After connecting to the nREPL (e.g. with Emacs+CIDER), launch the server with


After server startup, build cljs, launch Figwheel and convert to cljs REPL with


Start app (:development) +protected-eval

Note a non-headless (+cider) middleware in the project.clj :protected-eval profile, necessary for rolling with lein repl instead of lein repl :headless, like the name implies. See protected-eval for full documentation.

lein with-profile +protected-eval repl

All the functions except for the defnremoted ones will now be firewalled on your nREPL server, so you'll have to launch the backend and compile cljs with your terminal REPL instead of a remote nREPL. Aside from this, startup steps are the same as in normal (:development) mode.

Start app (:uberjar) +protected-eval

After compiling with lein uberjar, supply environment variables

export databaseurl="mysql://localhost:3306/chatsdb?user=chat&password=3anoa0nony6monymo&serverTimezone=UTC"

export NREPL_PORT=5557

Then (assuming you've lifted the jar file from build dir)

java -jar replchat.jar

The app will run on localhost:3000

A protected nREPL you can connect to and post messages to the chat will be listening on localhost:5557