The source code is written with
- Jekyll extension of Liquid template language
- HTML and kramdown markup language that is based on Markdown and is converted into HTML
- Sass (SCSS syntax) stylesheet language that is converted into CSS
- JavaScript
and then transformed by Jekyll site generator into files ready to be served by a web server. This transformation is done automatically by GitHub when a new commit is pushed to the repository and the result is hosted by GitHub Pages.
I do not use any Jekyll theme of those supported by GitHub pages, so everything is written from scratch. Creating this website was a useful exercise for me as I am a server-side software engineer with a very limited knowledge of front-end technologies.
Originally my personal website was hosted by classic Google Sites, but those are deprecated and just like the new Google Sites did not allow full control over layout, styles and scripts, while with GitHub Pages I have full control over those things.
The original GitHub URI is redirected to the canonical URI
All content is licensed under WTFPL, except where another license is explicitly specified.