A rubik's cube that runs in your terminal!
to build on Linux.
On Windows, compilation can be done using a port of curses for Windows such as pdcurses.
To install, use
make install
Which will install the binary to /usr/bin by default and the license to /usr/share/licenses/rubiks_cube/LICENSE.
Start the application in a terminal. Make sure that the terminal is the correct size before starting the application, as you cannot resize the terminal during runtime as of now.
- Press Left, Right, Up, Down, z, or Z to orient the cube
- Left and Right rotate the cube around the y axis.
- Up and Down rotate the cube around the x axis.
- z and Z rotate the cube around the z axis.
- Press f/F, b/B, l/L, r/R, u/U, or d/D to turn a face
- f is forward, b back, l left, r right, u up, d down. Pressing Shift-face, ie F, B, L, R, U, or D will turn the face clockwise instead of counterclockwise.
- Press Space to align the cube with the camera's perspective.
- Press m to access the menu
- The menu allows you to scramble the cube, save, load, or quit
- An empty seed to the cube scrambler sets the seed to a random seed.
- The ability to use any nxn cube
- An automatic, efficient solver