
A Download Utility for Free Streaming Services

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A Download Utility for Free Streaming Services

Python version Python virtual environments

This project has been archived and is no longer actively maintained as of 2024/03/28


  • Movies & TV-series
  • Episode selection and batch options
  • Quality selection
  • Automatic PSSH, manifest, and key retreival
  • Config file with customized settings
  • Search option
  • Proxy option
  • Option to add login credentials with user profile or cookies
  • Supported sites



Windows users are recommended to use Powershell 7 in Windows Terminal for best experience


  1. Install Python (check 'Add to PATH' if on Windows)
  2. Clone main branch or download latest version from Releases
  3. Place required tools inside Freevine folder OR add them to system PATH (recommended)
  4. Create /utils/wvd/ folder and place either .wvd file or private_key and client_id blob inside
  5. Install necessary packages: pip install -r requirements.txt


Clone the main branch to always stay up to date:

git clone https://github.com/stabbedbybrick/freevine.git freevine

Common issues:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ...

You haven't installed the necessary packages. Run pip install -r requirements.txt

"Required key and client ID not found"

Content is encrypted and a decryption module is needed. This is up to the user and not provided by this project.

ConnectionError: 400/403/404

You're most likely being geo blocked by the service. Use a VPN or try the proxy option.


A user profile with credentials can be set for services that require it:

freevine.py profile --username "USERNAME" --password "PASSWORD" --service "SERVICE"


Setting a user profile will create a profile.yaml in the service folder that'll store credentials along with cached auth and refresh tokens

If a service requires cookies, you can use a browser extension to download cookies as .txt file format:

Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/export-cookies-txt

Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gdocmgbfkjnnpapoeobnolbbkoibbcif

Name it cookies.txt and place it in service folder


When using the --proxy option, you can either provide one or request a proxy using country codes (US, UK, SE etc.).

In order to request proxies, hola-proxy and/or windscribe-proxy is required. Download the exectutable from the releases page and rename it to "hola-proxy" or "windscribe-proxy". Place it in the same location as the other required tools. System PATH is recommended. Make sure to specify which proxy you want to use in the config file.

freevine.py --proxy US
freevine.py --proxy ""


The proxy only affects API and license requests, not downloads


Available commands:

  clear-cache   Delete download cache
  file          Read commands from a text file
  get           Download series or movies
  profile       Create a profile with user credentials
  search        Search one or multiple services for titles
  service-info  Print information about each streaming service

Available arguments for get command:

  --proxy TEXT                 Request or specify a proxy server
  --threads TEXT               Concurrent download fragments
  --format TEXT                Specify file format
  --muxer TEXT                 Select muxer
  --no-mux                     Choose to not mux files
  --save-name TEXT             Name of saved file
  --save-dir TEXT              Save directory
  --sub-only                   Download only subtitles
  --sub-no-mux                 Choose to not mux subtitles
  --sub-no-fix                 Leave subtitles untouched
  --use-shaka-packager         Use shaka-packager to decrypt
  --add-command TEXT           Add extra command to N_m3u8DL-RE
  --slowdown INTEGER           Add sleep (in seconds) between downloads
  --no-cache                   Ignore download cache
  --append-id                  Append video id to filename
  -fn, --force-numbering       Force add numbering to episodes
  -e, --episode TEXT           Download episode(s)
  -s, --season TEXT            Download complete season
  -c, --complete               Download complete series
  -m, --movie                  Download movie
  -t, --titles                 List all titles
  -i, --info                   Print title info
  -sv, --select-video TEXT     Select video stream
  -sa, --select-audio TEXT     Select audio stream
  -dv, --drop-video TEXT       Drop video stream
  -da, --drop-audio TEXT       Drop audio stream
  -ss, --select-subtitle TEXT  Select subtitle
  -ds, --drop-subtitle TEXT    Drop subtitle


freevine.py get --help (READ THIS!)

freevine.py get --titles URL
freevine.py get --movie URL
freevine.py get --info --episode S01E01 URL
freevine.py get --sub-only --episode S01E01 URL
freevine.py get --episode S01E01 URL
freevine.py get --episode "name of episode" URL
freevine.py get --episode EPISODE_URL
freevine.py get --episode S01E01-S01E10 URL
freevine.py get --episode S01E01,S03E12,S05E03 URL
freevine.py get --season S01,S03,S05 URL
freevine.py get --select-video res=720 --season S01 URL
freevine.py get --select-audio name=English --episode S01E01 URL

freevine.py service-info
freevine.py service-info "iplayer"

freevine.py profile --help
freevine.py profile --username "username" --password "password" --service "service"

freevine.py search --help
freevine.py search iplayer "KEYWORDS"

freevine.py clear-cache

Advanced track selections:

# Select multiple tracks from id, codec, channel etc.
freevine.py get --select-video id="7|8":for=best2
freevine.py get --select-audio codecs="ec-3|mp4a":for=best2
freevine.py get --select-audio lang="ja|en":for=best2

# Select best video with duration longer than 1 hour 20 minutes 30 seconds
freevine.py get --select-video plistDurMin="1h20m30s":for=best

# Select all subs containing "English"
freevine.py get --select-subtitle name="English":for=all

# Select best track based on role (only available in pre-release build of N_m3u8DL-RE)
freevine.py get --select-audio role="main":for=best
freevine.py get --select-audio role="descriptive":for=best


See "N_m3u8DL-RE --morehelp select-video/audio/subtitle" for possible selection patterns


  1. This project is purely for educational purposes and does not condone piracy
  2. RSA key pair required for key derivation is not included in this project