This is repo with complete example for using ansible on Windows 10 WSL with Vagrant. First at all you should install WLS (Ubuntu 18.04), Vagrant for Windows and ansible in WLS. After that you can use deploy on vagrant box for local testing prod and deploy to VPS/VDS prod


Ansible vault

  1. create vault's file with passwords and put in it your password as plain text

    in WSL

     ansible-vault create .vault_pass

    WARNING!!!: Don't add this file under source control

  2. for solve problem that WSL(windows bash) create executable files and don't understand linux permission create wsl.conf from WSL(windows bash) and with linux editor (microsoft/WSL#81)

    in WSL

     sudo vim /etc/wsl.conf

    File content

     enabled = true
     options = "metadata"
     mountFsTab = false

    Restart WSL(windows bash)

  3. Create file ansible.cfg and add path to vault_pass file

    in WSL

     vault_password_file = ./.vault_pass
  4. Create file secrets.yml with all secrets password and vars for this project.

    in WSL

     ansible-vault create secrets.yml

    This file be encrypted, you can edit it with vi from ansible-vault commands. Content should looks like

     password: 12345678
     password2: 12345678

    You can use this content in other files with names {{ password }}, {{ password2 }} and etc.

Ansible playbook

  1. Create file vars.yml with all vars for this project.

    File vars.yml for example

  2. Create file vagrant_hosts.yml with project hosts.

    File vagrant_hosts.yml for example

  3. Create file vagrant_prepare.yml with istructions for first settings server (create user, ssh and etc.)

    File vagrant_prepare.yml for example

  4. Create file vagrant_deploy.yml

    File vagrant_deploy.yml for example


  1. Create Vargant file with needed for you options adn add forwarded port 80 to 8080

    Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "centos/7"
        config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080
  2. Start you VM

    in Git-Bash (or windows shell)

    vargant up
  3. Getting SSH keys on the VMs. You need first delete ~/.ssh in WLS, then linked it with you Windows ssh key, change you persmission for VM private key in .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox right 600 from default WLS 777.

    in WSL

    rm -R ~/.ssh
    ln -s /mnt/c/Users/akalightowl/.ssh ~/.ssh
    chmod 600 /mnt/c/Users/akalightowl/WORK/otlservice-ru/deploy/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key
    ssh -i /mnt/c/Users/akalightowl/WORK/otlservice-ru/deploy/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key -o PasswordAuthentication=no vagrant@ -p 2222

Deploy on vagrant. Run Angular + Express on Vagrant with WSL

  1. Prepare server

    in WSL

    ansible-playbook -i vagrant_hosts vagrant_prepare.yml
  2. Deploy

    in WSL

    ansible-playbook -i vagrant_hosts vagrant_deploy.yml

Deploy on prod. Run Angular + Express on production server (VDS/VPS and etc.)

  1. Create file prod_hosts_root.yml.

    File prod_hosts_root.yml for example

  2. Create file prod_hosts_user.yml.

    File prod_hosts_user.yml for example

  3. Create file prod_prepare.yml with istructions for first settings server (create user, ssh and etc.)

    File prod_prepare.yml for example

  4. Create file prod_deploy.yml with instructions for deploy after adding changes to project.

    File prod_deploy.yml for example

  5. Copy your ssh public key to prod server.

    in WSL

    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ root@youServerIp
  6. Create project user on production server

    in WSL

    ansible-playbook -i prod_hosts_root prod_create_user.yml
  7. Prepare production server

    in WSL

    ansible-playbook -i prod_hosts_user prod_prepare.yml
  8. Deploy

    in WSL

    ansible-playbook -i prod_hosts_user prod_deploy.yml