matlab implementation of Velocity Prediction Program for sailing yachts

Primary LanguageMATLAB


matlab implementation of Velocity Prediction Program for sailing yachts.

Project done during my exchange at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

format compact
% Indata
  boatname  = 'IMSYC-66';
  designer  = 'Clever Student'; 
  % Input rig parameters
    rigdata.P   = 22;    % [m] Mainsail hoist
    rigdata.E   = 6;     % [m] Foot of mainsail
    rigdata.J   = 7.3;   % [m] Base of foretriangle
    rigdata.I   = 23.5;  % [m] Height of foretriangle
    rigdata.LPG = 8;     % [m] Perpendicular of longest jib
    rigdata.BAD = 1.5;   % [m] Height of main boom above sheer
  % Input Hull parameters:
    hulldata.britfair = 'IMSYC66_example.bri'; % The hull geometry file
    hulldata.WK       = 5000;  % [kg]  Bulb weight
    hulldata.LCG      = 10.2;  % [m]   LCB, measured from A.P. 
    hulldata.TK       = 4.5;   % [m]   Keel blade draught from canoe body keel-line
    hulldata.C        = 1.0;   % [m]   Keel average chord
% Run the Lines Processing Program (LPP)
% to calculate the rest of the parameters on your hull with the correct
% loading using the prepared script LPP_for_VPP.m. The script has
% hulldata & rigdata as arguements and measures the hull in many ways. The
% results are added as fields to hulldata.
  addpath LPP_pcode;
  hulldata = LPP_for_VPP(hulldata,rigdata);
% Input fields in rigdata   : BAD, P, E, I, J
% Input fields in hulldata  : britfair, LCG, TK, WK
% Output fields in hulldata : GZdata, V, LOA, BMAX,KG,LCB,AWP,BWL,
%                             LCF,TC,CM,D,CP,LWL,T,LCBfpp, LCFfpp
% Notes:
%    GZdata contains two columns [HEEL, GZ]
[WTOT,KG,weights] = IMSYC_weight_and_KG(hulldata.LOA,hulldata.TK,hulldata.BMAX,hulldata.WK,rigdata.P,rigdata.E,rigdata.I,rigdata.J,rigdata.BAD,hulldata.D);

% Operating Condtitions

R0      = 1;                     % Reef factor (1=no reef)
TWS     = 5;                     % True Wind Speed[m/s]
TWAd_upwind = 20 : 1 : 120;
TWAd_downwind = 70 : 1 :179;
TWA_upwind = TWAd_upwind * 2 *pi /360;         % true wind angle [rad]
TWA_downwind = TWAd_downwind * 2 *pi /360;

VS0 = TWS/1.5;                 % velocity - initial guess [m/s]
HEEL0 = 1.75*TWS*pi/180;       % heel - initial guess [rad] 


n_upwind = size (TWA_upwind); 
n_downwind = size (TWA_downwind);
n_upwind(:,1) = []; % allocate memory
n_downwind(:,1) = []; 

VS_upwind(n_upwind) = 0; VS_downwind(n_downwind) = 0;
HEEL_downwind(n_downwind) = 0; HEEL_upwind(n_upwind) = 0;
R_upwind(n_upwind) = 0; R_downwind(n_downwind) = 0;

SAILSET = 1; % [1 or 2] % 1=Upwind, 2=Downwind
[VS_upwind(1),HEEL_upwind(1),iter,FLAG,R_upwind(1)] = solve_Newton(VS0,HEEL0,TWS,TWA_upwind(1),hulldata,rigdata,SAILSET,R0);
for i = 2 : n_upwind
	[VS_upwind(i),HEEL_upwind(i),iter,FLAG,R_upwind(i)] = solve_Newton(VS_upwind(i-1),HEEL_upwind(i-1),TWS,TWA_upwind(i),hulldata,rigdata,SAILSET,R_upwind(i-1));

SAILSET = 2; % [1 or 2] % 1=Upwind, 2=Downwind
[VS_downwind(1),HEEL_downwind(1),iter,FLAG,R_downwind(1)] = solve_Newton(VS0,HEEL0,TWS,TWA_downwind(1),hulldata,rigdata,SAILSET,R0);
for i = 2: n_downwind
    [VS_downwind(i),HEEL_downwind(i),iter,FLAG,R_downwind(i)] = solve_Newton(VS_downwind(i-1),HEEL_downwind(i-1),TWS,TWA_downwind(i),hulldata,rigdata,SAILSET,R_downwind(i-1));

make_polar_plot(TWS, TWA_upwind,VS_upwind, TWA_downwind,VS_downwind)


Polar Plot TWS = 5 [m/s]
