utilities for working with visual novel assets written in clean, portable ansi C (with 64-bit integers for some things, yay compiler extensions!)
Spot an issue? Feel like contributing? open a pull request!:-)
- Cromwell: (.opk), unpacking and packing
- IkuraGDL: (.GGP, SM2MPX10 archives): GGP decryption, SM2MPX10 archive unpacking and packing
- Studio neko punch: unpacking only
- Studio-Sakura: unpacking only
- Succubus: unpacking only
- Silky's: (.IFL), unpacking and repacking
- Carriere (.CGD) conversion to BMP only
- BasiL (.MIF): unpacking only
- everything is licensed under GPLv2 (and LGPLv2.1) or later unless otherwise specified