Argo Rollouts plugin

This is a StackSpot plugin, based on CDK, that adds Argo Rollouts Kubernetes Controller to an EKS cluster.

See our StackSpot EKS stack for more information.

How to use

Go to application folder and type:

stk apply plugin zup-eks-env-stack/argorollouts-env-ts-plugin


VPC configuration

This plugin uses AWS ALB Ingress Controller. So that the controller can manage the load balancers it's required to add some tags to VPC's subnets.

All subnets must be tagged in the format: key "{YOUR_EKS_CLUSTER_NAME}" with value "shared" or "owned".

Private subnets must be tagged in the format: key "" with value "1".

Public subnets must be tagged in the format: key "" with value "1".

See here for more information.


This plugin is applicable in applications that were created from the template