Stackbit Sanity Starter Theme

Sanity Starter in Stackbit Visual Editor


These are the steps needed to get this project running locally.

Install Dependencies

After cloning the project, begin by installing all necessary dependencies.

npm install

Sign Into Sanity

If you are not already signed into Sanity via the CLI, install the CLI package and then run the login command.

npm install -g @sanity/cli
sanity login

This will open a browser and walk you through the authentication process.

Import Content

Once authenticated, you'll be able to create a Sanity project and import content.

npm run create-project

Note: You may want to sign into Sanity in the browser and rename your project.

Once the project exists and you've set the environment variables, you can import the content.

npm run import {projectId}

Replace {projectId} with the project ID output from the previous command.

Store Sanity Values

Sign into Sanity to create an editor token, navigate to the following address (replace the SANITY_PROJECT_ID with your project ID) Then create .env file in you repo, copy & paste the following environment variables into the file and set their values.


Run Sanity Studio

Sanity Studio code exists for this project in the studio directory. First, install the dependencies in this directory.

cd studio
npm install

Then run the studio locally.

npm start

If you want to see the content, you can open your browser and navigate to localhost:3333.

Start Development Server

Now you can start your Next.js development server.

npm run dev

Install Stackbit CLI:

npm install -g @stackbit/cli

And the Stackbit development server.

stackbit dev

This command outputs an URL. Open this URL in your browser and start editing your content visually!

Questions & Feedback

Join the community or contact us directly for feedback, help, and other questions along your Stackbit journey.