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Generic AWS resource provisioning.
- Ansible 2.9+
- awscli
Install Ansible role:
ansible-galaxy install stackbuilders.aws-base
Example playbook:
- hosts: local
connection: local
gather_facts: false
aws_base_keypair: aws-keypair
aws_base_region: us-east-1
aws_base_ec2_ami: ami-09e31fc65dcb585aa
application_rds_username: "appadmin"
application_rds_password: "1q2w3e4r5t"
create_ec2: true
aws_base_rds_port: 5432
aws_base_rds_dbtype: postgres
- role: stackbuilders.aws-base
Default important variables to set are listed below. For all variables check defaults/main.yml
# Amazon region where the resources will be provisioned.
aws_base_region: us-west-2
# VPC network configuration.
aws_base_vpc_name: project_vpc
aws_base_vpc_cidr_block: "172.17"
aws_base_vpc_block: "{{ aws_cidr_block }}.0.0/20"
# EC2 type tag to set for the instances to create.
aws_base_ec2_type_tag: servers
# RDS database type and port.
# See: (ansible rds)[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/rds_module.html] for more information
aws_base_rds_0X_port: 3306
aws_base_rds_0X_dbtype: mariadb
aws_base_rds_0X_instance_type: db.t2.micro
Where X is the number of the instance.
In ~/.aws/config
we can set a profile or use the default, for example:
region = us-east-1
region = us-west-2
output = json
Then we set Amazon credentials in ~/.aws/credentials
for our profile:
aws_access_key_id = AMAZONKEYID
aws_secret_access_key = AMAZONSECRECTKEY
To use the AWS profile, set the AWS_PROFILE enviroment variable, for exammple at run time:
AWS_PROFILE=project ansible-playbook playbooks/myplaybook.yml
NOTE: We MUST set the aws_base_ec2_ami
value as this depends on the region:
aws_base_ec2_ami: ami-09d31fc66dcb58522
MIT, see the LICENSE file in this repository.
Carlos Egüez, Stack Builders Inc.