
Compose 2019 Conference Example

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT

Haskell + ReasonML Example


Getting Started

Clone this repository

git clone git@github.com:stackbuilders/compose-2019.git

You'll find four different projects in the repository root:

  • blog-types: Haskell type definitions for our simple blog implementation
  • blog-server: Simple servant API that works as a backend for our blog
  • genetate-ocaml-types: Executable that generates OCaml types based on our Haskell types defined in blog-types
  • blog-frontend: The front end side of our blog written in ReasonML

In order to build everything, just do

stack build

from the repo root folder.

Run the backend

stack exec blog-server-exe

Now the server should be up and running in http://localhost:8080 You can test the server is running with the following endpoint: http://localhost:8080/articles. It should return a json with all the articles in the default database.

Generate front-end types

Before running the front-end server, we have to generate the OCaml types and the serialization tests. This project uses the ocaml-export library to make the Ocaml types. Run the following command:

stack exec generate-ocaml-types-exe

You will find the OCaml type definitions in the blog-frontend/src/Exported folder, and the serialization tests in blog-frontend/__test__/Exported

Start up the frontend

This is a ReasonReact project that uses the API we builded before with the exact same types.

cd blog-frontend
yarn install
yarn build
yarn test  # These are the serialization tests that make sure our types match
yarn start # starts the dev server

And that's it. Now you should have a frontend in http://localhost:3000.

Happy hacking!


File an issue or make a PR in https://github.com/plow-technologies/ocaml-export, your contribution is welcomed!!