
This library was intended to be an open source project but another library filled that space pretty well.

The goal was to make it particularly easy for an iOS front-end to work with a Rails backend and an iOS front-end, since Rails is so strongly convention over configuration.

A developer would simply create a sub-class of ABModelMap with whatever properties they chose. Then mapping would be setup in the setupMapping function. If the name matched the name from the API you could specify them in bulk:

[self mapArrayOfRawKeysToPropertyWithSameName:@[@"name",

However you can also specify a mapping between to differently named items:

[self mapRawKey:@"description" toPropertyName:@"desc"];

I included a handful of useful presets to translate common types, such as Rails formatted dates:

[self mapRawKey:@"start" toPropertyName:@"startDate" mapKey:ABMapRailsDateTimeToDate];

These default transformations include


However you can also process a value with an arbitrary block of code.

Another handy piece is that you can also use other ABModelMap models as property types, and it will parse those properties into that class, which can be done recursively.