TAG-Runtime objective is to enable widespread and successful execution of the full spectrum of workload types, including both general latency-sensitive and batch, as well as more specialized categories listed as in scope, in cloud-native environments.
Example CNCF projects within the scope of TAG-Runtime
- Kubernetes
- Containerd
- Harbor
- Dragonfly
- Virtual Kubelet
- KubeEdge
- KubeVirt
- Volcano
- K3s
- Metal3-io
- OpenYurt
Anyone is welcome to join our open discussions of TAG-Runtime projects and share news related to the group's objectives. We also encourage project teams to share progress updates or post questions in these channels:
- Email list
- CNCF Slack #tag-runtime channel
The CNCF TAG-Runtime group meets twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Thu of each month at 8am (USA Pacific, see your timezone here):
- Meeting minutes and agenda
- Meeting Link: zoom.us/my/cncftagruntime, Passcode: 77777
One tap mobile:
- +16465588656,,7375677271# US (New York)
- +16699006833,,7375677271# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location:
- +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
- +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
- 877 369 0926 US Toll-free
- 855 880 1246 US Toll-free
Meeting ID: 989 072 1462, Passcode: 77777
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/alwlmxlNn
Meeting invites are on the CNCF Public calendar.
Please let us know if you are attending or helping to organize an in-person meetup. Create a github issue for an event.
- Kubernetes SIG-Node
- Other Kubernetes SIGs
- Other CNCF TAGs (TAG-Security, TAG-Network, TAG-App-Delivery)
Name | GitHub | Company | |
Richard Hartmann | richih@richih.org |
@RichiH | Grafana Labs |
Ricardo Rocha | ricardo.rocha@cern.ch |
@rochaporto. | CERN |
Davanum Srinivas | davanum@gmail.com |
@dims. | VMware |
Name | CNCF Slack | GitHub | Company | |
Diane Feddema | dfeddema@redhat.com |
@Diane Feddema |
@dfeddema | Red Hat |
Quinton Hoole | quinton@hoole.biz |
@quinton-hoole |
@quinton-hoole | |
Ricardo Aravena | raravena80@gmail.com |
@ricardo |
@raravena80 | TruEra |
Name | CNCF Slack | GitHub | Company | |
Klaus Ma | klaus@xflops.cn |
@k82cn |
@k82cn | Nvidia |
Alexander Kanevskiy | alexander.kanevskiy@intel.com |
@kad |
@kad | Intel |
Click to view list
- Michael Michael (@michmike), VMware
- Tom Kerkhove (@tomkerkhove), Codit
- Jeff Hollan (@jeffhollan), Microsoft
- Anirudh Garg (@anirudhgarg), Microsoft
- Erick Carty (@ebcarty)
- Renaud Gaubert (@RenaudWasTaken), Nvidia