
A simple NFS server and client playbook intended for Cluster-as-a-Service cloud deployments

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cluster NFS

A simple NFS server and client playbook intended for Cluster-as-a-Service cloud deployments.



Role Variables

nfs_fstype is the type of filesystem to create on the disk. Optional, default "xfs".

nfs_disk_location is the path to the block device on which to create a filesystem for export. Optional, default does not create a filesystem (e.g. as when exporting an existing directory).

nfs_export is the path to exported filesystem mountpoint on the NFS server. Optional, default "/srv".

nfs_export_subnet is the host or network to which the export is shared. Optional, "*".

nfs_export_options are the options to apply to the export. Optional, default "rw,insecure,no_root_squash".

nfs_client_mnt_point is the path to the mountpoint on the NFS clients. Optional, default "/mnt".

nfs_client_mnt_options allows passing mount options to the NFS client. Optional, default omits this.

nfs_client_mnt_state desired state for the mount. As passed to the ansible mount builtin module. Can be one of "absent", "mounted", "present", "unmounted" or "remounted". Optional, default "mounted".

nfs_server is the IP address or hostname of the NFS server.

nfs_enable: a mapping with keys server and client - values are bools determining the role of the host.

Multiple NFS client/server configurations may be provided by defining nfs_configurations. This should be a list of mappings with keys/values are as per the variables above. Omitted keys/values are filled from the corresponding variable. For example if all configurations require the same non-default client mount options, define nfs_client_mnt_options and omit the key "nfs_client_mnt_options" from all configuration mappings.



Example Playbook

- hosts:
  - nfs_server
  - nfs_clients
  become: yes
    - role: stackhpc.nfs
        server: "{{ inventory_hostname in groups['nfs_server'] }}"
        clients: "{{ inventory_hostname in groups['nfs_clients'] }}"
      nfs_server: "{{ hostvars['nfs_server']['ansible_host'] }}"

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