
Mount a share created by OpenStack Manila (currently only CephFS native)

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Mount one or more shares created by OpenStack Manila.

Currently only supports:

  • CephFS-protocol shares
  • RockyLinux 8 and 9
  • Ubuntu Jammy


The host running the lookup action (see below) requires the following python packages:

  • openstacksdk
  • python-openstackclient
  • python-manilaclient

That host also requires OpenStack credentials and access to the OpenStack APIs.

Role Taskfiles

The default tasks/main.yml task file will install packages, lookup Manila share details, create client configuration and mount shares. However it is possible to separate out these actions using specific task files:

  • install.yml: Only install release repo and packages.
  • lookup.yml: Only lookup share details.
  • mount.yml: Only create client configuration and mount shares.

This may be useful for image build, or for situations where it is undesirable to dynamically retrieve share information during mount.

Role Variables

  • os_manila_mount_shares: List of dicts defining the shares to mount, each containing:

    • share_name: Required. Name in Manila for the share ("Name" from openstack share list).
    • share_user: Optional if share only has one access rule defined, otherwise required. CephX user for access ("Access To" from openstack share access list <share_name>).
    • mount_path: Required. Directory path to mount the share at (will be created).
    • mount_user: Optional. User to mount as (default: become user).
    • mount_group: Optional. Group to mount as (default: become user).
    • mount_mode: Optional. Permissions for mounted directory, as for ansible.builtin.file:mode
    • mount_opts: Optional. List of strings defining mount options. Default from os_manila_mount_opts (i.e. same for all mounts).
    • mount_state: Optional. Mount state, default from os_manila_mount_state (i.e. same for all mounts).
  • os_manila_share_lookup_host: Optional. Inventory hostname of host to run lookup on. Default localhost.

  • os_manila_share_lookup_once: Optional. Bool controlling whether to run the lookup task on only one host. Default is true for speed, but if os_manila_mount_shares varies between hosts in the play this must be set to false.

  • os_manila_mount_state: Optional. As for state of ansible.posix.mount. Default mounted.

  • os_manila_mount_opts: Optional. List of strings defining default mount options (see defaults/main.yml).

  • os_manila_mount_share_info: Automatically populated by lookup task. If not running that, this should be a list of dicts each containing:

    • host: Host/port for Ceph mon(s), e.g. mon1:port,mon2:port,mon3:port
    • export: Exported path.
    • access_key: The access key for this share for the share_user. WARNING: This value should be kept secret.

    If necessary for debugging, set no_log=false to see this variable. Note that running ansible with -v will expose access_key.

Ceph variables:

  • os_manila_mount_ceph_version: Optional. Ceph numerical version string, e.g. '17.2.7' not 'quincy'. Default is the oldest supported by the hosts' distribution/version. Must be 15.2.x (Octopus) or later. Note that on RockyLinux changing this and rerunning the role can change the installed version, but on Ubuntu it cannot.
  • os_manila_mount_ceph_repo_key: Optional. URL for Ceph repo key.
  • os_manila_mount_ceph_release_repo: Optional. URL for Ceph release repo.
  • os_manila_mount_ceph_conf_path: Optional. Path for Ceph configuration directory, default /etc/ceph.

Example Playbook

Note this role must be run with become.

- hosts: all
  become: yes
  gather_facts: no
    - share_name: manila-test-share
      share_user: testuser
      mount_path: /mnt/manila
      mount_user: "{{ ansible_user }}"
      mount_group: "{{ ansible_user }}"
    - import_role:
        name: stackhpc.os-manila-mount

An easy way to run this example with both the lookup and the mount done on localhost is:

python -m venv venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -U ansible python-openstackclient python-manilaclient
ansible-galaxy install stackhpc.os-manila-mount

ansible-playbook -v local test.yml



Author Information
