
Docker image for Mellanox UFM Infiniband fabric manager

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Mellanox UFM Docker Image

This repository provides tooling to build a Docker image for the Mellanox UFM Infiniband fabric manager.

The image is based on the centos/systemd image, in order to run multiple UFM services in a single container, using the existing UFM init scripts.


Compiling from Source

If the running kernel does not match the kernel on which the UFM packages were built, it may be necessary to rebuild the UFM packages from source. A script is provided to rebuild the packages using a Docker container. Set the following environment variables to configure the script:

  • $KERNEL_VERSION: optional kernel version to compile against
  • $UFM_VERSION: required UFM software version, for example 5.9.6-8.el7.x86_64
  • $UFM_TARBALL_URL: required UFM tarball URL
  • $UFM_COMPILE_IMAGE_TAG:: optional UFM compilation image tag

The image uses a centos:7 base container image. If this does not match the kernel running on the host, the build will fail. In this case, you can configure Yum to use the CentOS Vault repositories for an older version. To do this, set $CENTOS_VERSION to the required version, e.g. 7.6.1810.

Building the Image

The Dockerfile expects a tarball containing the UFM software to be available via HTTP. The URL of this tarball should be set via $UFM_TARBALL_URL.

The UFM software version should be set via $UFM_VERSION.

A Mellanox OFED yum repository should be made available via HTTP and set via $OFED_REPO_URL.

By default, the built image will be tagged as mlnx-ufm:latest. To use a different tag, set $UFM_IMAGE_TAG.

The image uses a centos/systemd:latest base container image. If this does not match the kernel running on the host, the build will fail. In this case, you can configure Yum to use the CentOS Vault repositories for an older version. To do this, set $CENTOS_VERSION to the required version, e.g. 7.6.1810.

Run the build.sh script to build a Docker image.

Running a Container from the Image

By default the image tagged as mlnx-ufm:latest will be used to create the container. To use a different image, set $UFM_IMAGE_NAME.

By default, the container will be named mlnx_ufm. To use a different name, set $UFM_CONTAINER_NAME.

One or more UFM licenses should be made available in a directory on the host running docker. The path to this directory should be set via $UFM_LICENSES_PATH.

It may be desirable to apply additional configuration to UFM prior to running the ufmd service. This can be done by setting $UFM_STARTUP_CONFIG_PATH to the path of a script.

Run the run.sh script to create a Docker container. The container will be privileged, and use host networking.

Alternatively, use the mlnx-ufm Ansible role to deploy the container.