
Containerised OpenFoam benchmarks for HPC systems

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This repo uses ansible to configure a host to run an containerised openfoam benchmark using single-node MPI: https://develop.openfoam.com/committees/hpc#3-d-lid-driven-cavity-flow

Key points

  • Both the ansible and target host are assumed to be running RockyLinux 8.x.

  • The OpenFoam install is containerised and the container includes its own (fairly-recent) MPI:

      77f99f65b012: ~>> mpirun --version
      mpirun (Open MPI) 4.0.3
  • The "install" is actually a script http://dl.openfoam.org/docker/openfoam10-linux which pulls and launches the container.

  • This launcher script mounts a host directory into the container: by default this is the pwd, but it can’t be the user’s homedir (presumably for security)

  • The repo contains the following playbooks:

    • docker.yml: Installs docker
    • install.yml: Installs the launcher script and creates a suitable openfoam directory
    • benchmark-3dcavity.yml: Clones the benchmark into that openfoam directory, and fixes a couple of things

Further documentation

The ansible and instructions here are derived from:

Ansible Host Setup

dnf install -y python38
python3.8 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install ansible
pip install python-openstackclient

Configuring Target Host

  1. Create an inventory e.g.:

     # ./inventory
     openfoam ansible_host=
  2. Run:

     ansible-playbook -i <inventory_file> <playbook>

There are no options in playbooks except for benchmark-3dcavity.yml where you may want to set:

  • problem_size: str S, (default) M or L.
  • parallelisation: str threads (default), cores or none.

Note: I'm not sure threads will be always be fastest!

Running the benchmark

  1. ssh into the target host

  2. Run:

     [rocky@sbtest-2 rocky-10]$ cd /home/rocky/OpenFOAM/rocky-10/hpc/Lid_driven_cavity-3d/<problem_size>/
     [rocky@sbtest-2 S]$ openfoam10-linux
     77f99f65b012: ~>> blockMesh
     77f99f65b012: ~>>decomposePar -force # -force required if paralelisation changed
     77f99f65b012: ~>> time mpirun --use-hwthread-cpus -np <num_proc> icoFoam -parallel


    • <problem_size> is as used for benchmark-3dcavity.yml (default 'S').
    • <num_proc> should be the number of threads for parallelisation: 'threads' (default) or number of cores for parallelisation: 'cores'.
    • --use-hwthread-cpus should be omitted for parallelisation: 'cores'
  3. Wait for it to finish. It runs 0.5s of simulation.


On a 4x Broadwell VCPU / 4GB RAM VM, for problem size S, wallclock times were:

  • serial: 103m53s
  • 4x threads: 60m40.243s (~1.7x speedup)
  • 2x cores: 65m53.078s (~1.6x speedup)