
Add support for PEP 567 context variables to tasklets

akruis opened this issue · 4 comments

Python 3.7 added the context variables and the module contextvars. See PEP 567 for details.

Using tasklets it is possible to decorate a plain old callable as a coroutine (and vice versa). To make such a coroutine fully compatible with C-Python asyncio tasklets should support PEP 567 context variables. In C-Python the current context is a property of the thread state, that is, each thread has its own current context. In Stackless Python a thread can have multiple tasklets. Therefore the current context must become a property of the tasklet.

I'm still elaborating details.

First usable code is in (a71d969f06). It is still work in progress.
And here is the project, that needs the contextvar support This project is also work in progress.

Implemented in 3.7-slp

Merged into main-slp.