
PowerShell scripts for monitoring SQL Servers

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


PowerShell scripts for monitoring SQL Servers



Get-SQLPatches retrives list of SQL Patches (SP/CU/Hot-fixes) for a Computer.


Get-SQLPatches uses WMI to retrieve a list of the Win32_OperatingSystem BuildNumber, CSName. Get-SQLPatches uses Get-ChildItem to retrieve a list of DisplayName, DisplayVersion, InstallDate from path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall.

Parameter ComputerName

The Computer name to query. Default: Localhost.

Exmaple 1

Gets the SQL Server patches from HiramSQL1

Get-SQLPatches -ComputerName HiramSQL1

Exmaple 2

Gets the SQL Server patches from a list of computers in C:\Monitoring\Servers.txt.

Get-SQLPatches -ComputerName (Get-Content C:\Monitoring\Servers.txt)

Exmaple Output

Example CSV

Task Scheduler

Info to run it automatically via the Windows Task Scheduler.

Argument: -nologo -executionpolicy bypass -File "C:\Monitoring\Get-SQLPatches.ps1"

Action Schedule Schedule


Created By: Hiram Fleitas aka. dba2.o @hiramfleitas Modified: 4/17/2019 05:09:35 PM
Version 1.0 Commissioned Credit: Anthony Vaquer (Microsoft: Premier Field Engineer - Data & AI)