
Ansible Role for ArangoDB

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Installation and limited configuration of the triAGENS ArangoDB Multi-Model NoSQL Database.


A Debian 6.x, 7.x or testing system. Other platforms are not (yet) supported. Feel free to fork-hack-pullrequest.

Role Variables

For basic operation, you only need to know about 2 variables:

  • arangodb_version defines the version to be installed. Using * is possible but discouraged since arangodb requires to run a manual upgrade when installing a newer version so upgrading should be supervised by a human.
  • arangodb_autoupgrade allows you to disregard the warning above and let the role invoke upgrade whenever a new version have been installed.

To customize anything inside /etc/arangodb/arangod.conf please refer to templates/arangod.conf.j2 and defaults/main.yml.

Other config files cannot be customized at this time.


This role installs apt-transport-https on debian to fetch packages via https.

Example Playbook

To just install and run arangodb out-of-the-box, select your version and that's it:

- hosts: servers
     - { role: stackmagic.arangodb, arangodb_version: '2.4.3' }


  • customize user/group (arangodb automatically sets up a user and group when installing their package already)
  • configure more settings (cluster and other config files)
  • maybe create databases/collections
  • add more platforms besides debian 6/7/testing

Author Information

github: stackmagic