Reclaims music files from an iPod. Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.
- Read iPod touch 4 sqlite music database
- Copy and rename the files into a structure like: artist/year - albumname/CDdiscnumber/tracknumber - title.extension
- Write (almost) all meta information from the database into the mp3 files (genre, album, artist, title, ...)
- mp3 files only
- write the rating into the mp3 files in a way other players will pick it up
- allow to pass paths as commandline arguments
- allow to pass filters as commandline arguments or file
- support more filetypes
- Python 2.7
- eyeD3 v0.7 or higher (pip install eyeD3)
- change the paths on top of (if necessary) and run the script
- If you want to tinker with it, I strongly suggest you copy your entire ipod to a fast disk. Your test-runs will me much faster as compared to continuously accessing your ipod via usb.
Making a backup (or update of an existing backup) of your ipod
aptitude install fuse
mkdir /media/ipod /media/ipod-backup
ifuse /media/ipod
rsync -av -delete /media/ipod/* /media/ipod-backup/