
Swift Bundler's in-built package templates

Primary LanguageSwift

Swift Bundler templates

This repository houses Swift Bundler's built-in templates.



A valid template must contain a Template.toml metadata file in its root directory.

All indentation must be tabs (not spaces) so that the create command's --indentation option functions correctly

If a file or directory contains {{PACKAGE}} in its name, that will get replaced with the new package's name before copying. If a file ends with .template, any occurrences of {{PACKAGE}} within its contents will be updated before copying. All other files are copied as is.

Regular templates must not be named Base (see Base template) and must not start with a ..

Base template

The Base folder contains files that are copied into every new project (with the same processing applied as files from a regular template). Note that the Base template should not contain a Template.toml file. To override the contents of a file in Base for a specific template, just provide the modified version in the template.


If you want to fix/tweak an existing template or add a new one, feel free! Just make sure to read the contributing guidelines first.