
stylus plugin inclusive mixins and boilerplate code like normalize and other stuff

Primary LanguageCSS


Stylus mixins, utilities, helpers, ... The main feature is the MQ mixin


@import 'stylus23'

  font-size mFontSize
    font-size tFontSize
    font-size dFontSize

    width 100%
    @extend .clearfix

    @extend .wrapper


$ npm install stylus23

JavaScript API

with connect/express:

var connect             = require('connect')
,   server              = connect()
,   stylus              = require('stylus')
,   stylus23            = require('stylus23')

function compile(str, path) {
    return stylus(str)
        .set('filename', path)
        .set('compress', true)

    src:      __dirname
,   compile:  compile

with webpack:

var stylus23     = require('stylus23')
,   stylusLoaderDef     = {
        loader: 'stylus-loader',
        options: {
            sourceMap:  true,
            compress:   isDevelopment,
            use:        [stylus23(options)]
,   config              = {
        module: {
            rules: [
                    test: /\.styl$/,
                    use: isDevelopment ? [
                        { loader: 'style-loader',   options: { sourceMap: true } },
                        { loader: 'css-loader',     options: { sourceMap: true } },
                        { loader: 'postcss-loader', options: { sourceMap: true } },
                    // for production (https://github.com/webpack-contrib/extract-text-webpack-plugin)
                    : ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
                        fallback: 'style-loader',
                        use: ['css-loader', 'postcss-loader', stylusLoaderDef]

default options

      envVars:        process.env
  ,   envPrefix:      '$ENV__'
  ,   imgUrlPrefix:   process.env.ROOT_PATH + '/assets' // TBD

Stylus Imports

To gain access to everything the lib has to offer, simply add:

@import 'stylus23'

Or you may also pick only the MQ Vars and Mixins

@import 'stylus23/mqs'


// default mediaquery vars
$stylus_mq_xs   ?= 'only screen and (max-width: 333px)'
$stylus_mq_s    ?= 'only screen and (min-width: 640px)'
$stylus_mq_m    ?= 'only screen and (min-width: 768px)'
$stylus_mq_l    ?= 'only screen and (min-width: 1024px)'
$stylus_mq_xl   ?= 'only screen and (min-width: 1200px)'

We do a simple lookup('$stylus_mq_' + name),
so you can easily add or overwrite mqs before you load stylus23.

you can also modify them via JS per passing them in options:

{mediaQueries: {
    name:   'only screen and (min-width: 999px)'

to avoid duplicate mediaqueries i use 'node-css-mqpacker' in my webpack setup


1.1.0 - renamed to STYLUS23

1.0.0 - breaking changes:

  • renamed mq variables ($stylus_mq_{name})
  • allows to pass mediaQueries per options (#JavaScript API)
  • shows error-div on top of page if an undefined MQ name is used
  • ALWAYS (!) injects NODE_ENV (both ways: $ENV__NODE_ENV and {envPrefix + 'NODE_ENV'})

0.3.0 - stylus23 now accepts options (envVars, envPrefix, imgUrlPrefix)
0.2.3 - added assetPath() to use 'process.env.ROOT_PATH' as url-prefix
0.2.1 - injects process.env.NODE_ENV into stylus (global var $ENV__NODE_ENV)
0.1.1 - ready for Stylus.use() API


  • rethink/refactor "seperated MQ files" (see oldREADME)
    • MQ "base"
  • remove /inc path
  • refactor "imgUrlPrefix"
  • refactor assetPath - ROOT_PATH => APP_ROOT
  • testing
  • extend MQs per options
