
Kubernetes overlay patches

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Kubernetes overlay patches


This codebase was mostly plucked from https://github.com/istio/istio


Users often need to customize the resources generated from a kubernetes operator/Custom Resource. Though, for every new configuration option that needs to be added, new fields need to be added to the Custom Resource. This is time-consuming and can lead to a bloated Custom Resource.

This library implements logic so that these overlays are a first-class citizen in a CRD. This allows users to customize the output of a kubernetes operator by overlaying patches on top of the generated output, without having to modify the CRD.

Command-line usage

  k8s-overlay-patch [flags]

  -h, --help                   help for k8s-overlay-patch
  -m, --manifest-file string   File containing the rendered manifests to patch
  -n, --namespace string       Namespace to use when patching the manifests
  -o, --out string             File to write the patched manifests to
  -p, --patch-file string      File containing the patch to apply

Usage as helm post-renderer


helm template test pkg/testdata/chart --debug --dry-run --post-renderer pkg/testdata/postrender.sh
# build the binary and place it in your path
go build

# Create a postrender.sh file. Helm doesn't allow passing
# arguments to postrenderers.
k8s-overlay-patch -n default -p patch.yaml

# Make the file executable
chmod +x postrender.sh

# Call helm with the postrender.sh file
helm template [NAME] [CHART] --post-renderer postrender.sh

Example usage with CRD

Adding the overlay patch to the CRD

package v1alpha1

type MySpec struct {
	// Overlays is the list of overlay patches to apply to resource.
	Overlays []K8sObjectOverlay `json:"overlays,omitempty"`

type K8sObjectOverlay struct {
	// Resource API version.
	//+operator-sdk:csv:customresourcedefinitions:type=spec,displayName="API Version",order=1
	ApiVersion string `json:"apiVersion,omitempty"`
	// Resource kind.
	Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
	// Name of resource.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// List of patches to apply to resource.
	Patches []*K8sObjectOverlayPatch `json:"patches,omitempty"`

type K8sObjectOverlayPatch struct {
	// Path of the form a.[key1:value1].b.[:value2]
	// Where [key1:value1] is a selector for a key-value pair to identify a list element and [:value] is a value
	// selector to identify a list element in a leaf list.
	// All path intermediate nodes must exist.
	Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
	// Value to add, delete or replace.
	// For add, the path should be a new leaf.
	// For delete, value should be unset.
	// For replace, path should reference an existing node.
	// All values are strings but are converted into appropriate type based on schema.
	Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`

Using the overlay patch in the reconciler

package reconciler

import (

func (r reconciler) Reconcile(obj v1alpha1.MyObject){
	manifests := renderManifests(obj)
	patched := patch.YAMLManifestPatch(manifests, obj.Namespace, mapOverlays(obj.Spec.Overlays))
	// ...

func mapOverlays(overlays []*v1alpha1.K8sObjectOverlay) []*types.K8sObjectOverlay {
	out := make([]*types.K8sObjectOverlay, len(overlays))
	for i, o := range overlays {
		out[i] = &types.K8sObjectOverlay{
			ApiVersion: o.ApiVersion,
			Kind:       o.Kind,
			Name:       o.Name,
			Patches:    mapOverlayPatches(o.Patches),
	return out

func mapOverlayPatches(patches []*v1alpha1.K8sObjectOverlayPatch) []*types.K8sObjectOverlayPatch {
	out := make([]*types.K8sObjectOverlayPatch, len(patches))
	for i, p := range patches {
		out[i] = &types.K8sObjectOverlayPatch{
			Path:  p.Path,
			Value: p.Value,
	return out

Example CRD

apiVersion: blah.com/v1alpha1
kind: MyObject
  name: my-object
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 128Mi
      cpu: 200m
      memory: 256Mi        
  - apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: my-config-map
    - path: data.foo
      value: bar
    - path: data.baz
      value: qux