
The Stacks Advocates Program supports community builders bringing Stacks to people around the world, empowering them to truly own their identity, data, and wealth.

Stacks Advocates Program

Stacks Advocates grow the community by creating educational content for end users, hosting virtual meetups to build local Stacks communities, write smart contracts to help developers build apps, and much, much more.

To join the Stacks Advocates program please reach out to the group on the Stacks Discord.

If you do not see the correct channels:

  1. Under Start Here -> add-roles at the top, react with 🔎 to see the Advocates DAO & Moderation
  2. This will show the advoӾ dao channels on the left
  3. Read through advoӾ dao -> start-here to learn more and get involved
  4. If you have any questions, post in the advoӾ dao -> help channel