
🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Stacks.js.

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Social Card of Awesome Stacks

Awesome Stacks.js Awesome Track Awesome List

A curated list of awesome things relating the Stacks.js ecosystem


Official Resources

External Resources

Job Portal




YouTube Channels


Blog Posts


Official Stacks

  • Table (Q3 - Data tables with ease)
  • Calendar (Q3 - Add to Calendar utilities—iCal, Google, and more)
  • Command Palette (Q3 - ⌘ + k for the web)
  • Date Picker (Q3 - Beautiful, modern date picker)
  • File Manager (Q3 - Build your own file manager—like Dropbox or Google Drive)
  • Image (Q3 - Modern image experience)
  • Video (Q3 - Modern video experience)
  • Audio (Q3 - Modern audio experience)
  • Web3 (Q3 - Solana support, cross-chain core Ethereum & Cardano drivers coming.)
    • Wallets (Q3 - Wallet Authentication)
    • NFT (Q3 - NFTs, Candy Machine mechanisms, and more.)
    • DeFi (Q4 - Cross-chain DeFi engine, including staking support)
    • DAO (Q4 - Powerful toolkit for DAO governance)

Open Source Stacks

A collection of 3rd-party stacks/libraries.

UI Component Libraries

Function Libraries

Projects Using Stacks

A collection of projects using Stacks.

Open Source

Commercial Products

Apps And Websites

Enterprise Usage


Integrations with services and/or other frameworks.


Inspecting & debugging.

  • Vue.js devtools - Chrome devtools extension for debugging Stacks applications.


Create documentation.

  • VitePress - Stacks comes with first-party support for VitePress.


  • Vitest - Stacks comes with first-party support for Vitest.


Editor plugins & integrations.

Visual Studio Code
  • Volar - Stacks recommends Volar for VS Code.


Scaffold / boilerplate / seed / starter kits.

  • artisan-init - Simple CLI for scaffolding Stacks.js projects.
  • ts-starter - TypeScript Starter template to simplify creating & distributing your next npm package.
  • vue-starter - Vue Component Library Starter kit to help kick-start development of your next library.
  • web-components-starter - Web Components Starter template to help kick-start development of a framework-agnostic component library.
  • composable-starter - Composable Starter Kit to simplify creating & distributing your next npm package/s.