This library implements a couple of utility functions for communication with fault-injection tools such as the Pico Debug'n'Dump based glitchers.
python3 install
A simple class that automatically connects and interfaces with glitchers that use the Simple Glitcher Protocol.
from glitchlib import Glitcher
# Automatically opens all USB serial devices, sends the ID command, and checks whether the device identifies itself as a glitcher.
g = Glitcher()
# Flush queued serial data
# Reset the target (if implemented)
# Set delay & pulse
# Glitch (Does not block)
# Read from serial
A utility library to manage, store and visualize glitching results.
First we need to initialize a GlitchDataCollection:
from glitchlib import GlitchDataCollection
gdc = GlitchDataCollection()
Next, we add different types of glitch results we want to store, such as success & hang. The first argument is a unique key, such as an int or a char, that identifies the result type. The second argument is the name used on the legend etc.
gdc.add_data("HNG", "Hang", color="red")
gdc.add_data("X", "Other", color="gray")
# Additional options: color, zorder (higher = rendered in front), alpha
gdc.add_data("SUC", "Success", color="green", zorder=2, alpha=1.0)
Next, we can start adding data to each of the result categories:
for delay in range(0, 3000):
for pulse in range(0, 15):
if((delay + pulse) % 100 = 0):
gdc.add("SUC", delay, pulse)
elif((delay + pulse)) % 33 = 0:
gdc.add("HNG", delay, pulse)
gdc.add("X", delay, pulse)
Finally, we can visualize the glitches:
# Autorange
# Use explicit range
gdc.plot(x=[start, end], y=[pulse_min, pulse_max])
We can also load and store GlitchDataCollections.
Note: This currently uses pickle. Do not load GlitchDataCollections from untrusted sources."filename")
gdc = GlitchDataCollection.load("filename")