
StackState Telemetry Mirror for Prometheus. Supports standard and AWS Managed Prometheus instances

Primary LanguagePython

StackState Prometheus Mirror

Prometheus mirror is a gateway between StackState and Prometheus that enables Prometheus telemetry in StackState. Supports also AWS Managed Prometheus.


The Prometheus Mirror has the following prerequisites:

  • The mirror must be reachable from StackState
  • Authentication Support
    • Full authentication support for AWS Managed Prometheus
    • Currently, no authentication method supported for self-hosted Prometheus

Mirror configuration

The Prometheus mirror is configured using the following parameters:

  • global.apiKey - the API key used to authenticate communication between the mirror and StackState
  • workers - number of workers processes (default: 20)
  • port - the port the mirror is listening on (default: 9900)

StackState configuration

In order to start using Prometheus mirror in StackState one has to create Mirror Datasource

Configure Mirror Datasource

Create a new Mirror datasource:

    "url": "<prometheus host>",
    "request_timeout_seconds": 30,
    "nan_interpretation": "ZERO",
    "aws": {
      "role_arn": "Required when no aws_session_token",
      "external_id": "Required when no aws_session_token",
      "aws_access_key_id": "Optional[str]",
      "aws_secret_access_key": "Optional[str]",
      "aws_session_token": "Optional[str]",
      "token_expiry_seconds": 900,
      "region_name": "eu-west-1",
      "role_session_name": "StackState-Prometheus-Mirror"

Prometheus url refers to the actual Prometheus url (not the mirror).

Query Configuration

Prometheus Counter

Counter queries fetch counter metrics from Prometheus. The retrieved counter values are transformed to a rate.

The following are sample parameters for a counter query:

  • counter = go_memstats_lookups_total
  • job = payment-service
  • name = payment
  • instance =

Prometheus Gauge

Gauge queries fetch gauge metrics from Prometheus.

The following are sample parameters for a gauge query:

  • gauge = go_gc_duration_seconds
  • job = payment-service
  • name = payment
  • instance =

Prometheus Histogram and Summary

Prometheus histogram and summary queries are not supported from the query interface. They still can be configured using tilda-query.

Tilde query ~

The query allows arbitrary Prometheus queries, for example:

~ = histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(request_duration_seconds_bucket{instance='', name='payment-service'}[1m])) by (name, le)) * 1000



Setup local code repository

git clone git@github.com:stackstate-lab/aws-prometheus-mirror.git
cd aws-prometheus-mirror
pdm install 

The pdm install command sets up all the projects required dependencies using PEP 582 instead of virtual environments.

Prepare local .env file

The .env file is used to define aws credentials that can be used to connect to prometheus.

cat <<EOF > ./.env

Code styling and linting

pdm format

Running unit tests

pdm test


pdm build

Starting the mirror

pdm serve

Building the AWS Prometheus Mirror container