
HTMX request and response helpers for Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


HTMX library for Go


This comprehensive library offers an array of functions and types specifically designed to streamline the handling of HTMX requests and the construction of responses in the Go applications.

README.md logo image courtesy of ChatGPT.


  • Request and Response header helpers
  • Easy APIs to build complex HTMX responses for Locations, Reswaps, and Triggers
import (

func myHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    if hx.IsHtmx(r) {
        // do something
        // load up on HTMX headers and set the status code to send back to the client
        err := hx.Response(w,
                hx.Values(map[string]string{"key": "value"}),
                hx.Event("my-other-event", "my-other-event-value"),
                hx.Event("my-complex-event", map[string]any{
                    "foo": "bar",
                    "baz": 123,
        if err != nil {
            // handle error


The minimum version of Go required is 1.18. Generics have been used to make some types and options easier to work with.

Install using go get:

go get github.com/stackus/hxgo

Then import the package into your project:

import "github.com/stackus/hxgo"

You'll then use hx.* to access the functions and types.

Working with Requests

To determine if a request is an HTMX request, use the IsHtmx function:

func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    if hx.IsHtmx(r) {
        // do something

Helpers exist for each of the HTMX request headers:

  • HX-Boosted: Use the IsBoosted function to determine if the request is a boosted request
  • HX-Current-URL: Use the GetCurrentUrl function to get the current URL of the request
  • HX-History-Restore-Request: Use the IsHistoryRestoreRequest function to determine if the request is a history restore request
  • HX-Prompt: Use the GetPrompt function to get the prompt value of the request
  • HX-Request: Use the IsRequest or IsHTMX functions to determine if the request is an HTMX request
  • HX-Target: Use the GetTarget function to get the target value of the request
  • HX-Trigger-Name: Use the GetTriggerName function to get the trigger name of the request
  • HX-Trigger: Use the GetTrigger function to get the trigger value of the request

Is* functions return a boolean while Get* functions return a string. The absence of the corresponding HTMX header will return false or an empty string respectively.

Working with Responses

Use the Response function to modify the http.ResponseWriter to return an HTMX response:

func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    err := hx.Response(w, hx.Retarget("/new-location"))
	if err != nil {
        // handle error

Each of the HTMX response headers has a corresponding option to set the header:

  • HX-Location: Use the Location option with a variable number of properties to set the location header. See the Location section for more details.
  • HX-Push-Url: Use the PushURL option to push a new URL into the browser history
  • HX-Redirect: Use the Redirect option to redirect the browser to a new URL
  • HX-Refresh: Use the Refresh option to refresh the browser
  • HX-Replace-Url: Use the ReplaceUrl option to replace the current URL in the browser history
  • HX-Reswap: Use the Reswap option or one of the Swap* constants to specify how the response will be swapped. See the Reswap section for more details.
  • HX-Retarget: Use the Retarget option with a CSS selector to redirect the response to a new element
  • HX-Reselect: Use the Reselect option with a CSS selector to designate a different element in the response to be used
  • HX-Trigger: Use the Trigger option to trigger client-side events. See the Trigger section for more details.
  • HX-Trigger-After-Settle: Use the TriggerAfterSettle option to trigger client-side events after the response has settled. See the Trigger section for more details.
  • HX-Trigger-After-Swap: Use the TriggerAfterSwap option to trigger client-side events after the response has been swapped. See the Trigger section for more details.


The Location option is used to set the HX-Location Response Header. It takes a path string and then an optional number of properties. The following properties are supported:

  • Source: The Source property is used to set the source element of the location header.
  • Event: The EventName property is used to set the name of the event of the location header.

    Note: This property is called EventName so that it does not conflict with the Event property used by the Trigger option.

  • Handler: The Handler property is used to set the handler of the location header.
  • Target: The Target property is used to set the target of the location header.
  • Swap: The Swap property is used to set the swap of the location header. The value may be a string or any of the Swap* constants.
  • Values: The Values property is used to set the values of the location header. The value may be anything, but it is recommended to use a map[string]any or struct with JSON tags.
  • Headers: The Headers property is used to set the headers of the location header. The value needs to be a map[string]string.
  • Select: The Select property is used to set the select of the location header.

Setting just the path:

func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    hx.Response(w, hx.Location("/new-location"))
	  // Hx-Location: /new-location

Setting multiple properties:

func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    hx.Response(w, hx.Location("/new-location",
        hx.Values(map[string]string{"key": "value"}),
    // Hx-Location: {"path":"/new-location","target":"#my-target","swap":"innerHTML ignoreTitle:true","values":{"key":"value"}}


The Reswap option is used to set the HX-Reswap response header. Using the Reswap option directly is possible, but it is recommended to use one of the Swap* constants instead. The following constants are supported:

  • SwapInnerHtml: Sets the HX-Reswap response header to innerHTML
  • SwapOuterHtml: Sets the HX-Reswap response header to outerHTML
  • SwapBeforeBegin: Sets the HX-Reswap response header to beforebegin
  • SwapAfterBegin: Sets the HX-Reswap response header to afterbegin
  • SwapBeforeEnd: Sets the HX-Reswap response header to beforeend
  • SwapAfterEnd: Sets the HX-Reswap response header to afterend
  • SwapDelete: Sets the HX-Reswap response header to delete
  • SwapNone: Sets the HX-Reswap response header to none

The result from Reswap and each constant can be chained with modifiers to configure the header even further. The following modifiers are supported:

  • Transition: Adds transition:true to enable the use of the View Transition API
  • Swap: Used with a time.Duration to set the swap delay
  • Settle: Used with a time.Duration to set the settle delay
  • IgnoreTitle: Adds ignoreTitle:true to ignore the title of the response
  • Scroll: Used with a CSS selector to scroll to the element after swapping
  • Show: Used with a CSS selector to show the element after swapping
  • FocusScroll: Used with a boolean to set the focus scroll behavior

Setting just the reswap header two ways:

func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    hx.Response(w, hx.Reswap("innerHTML"))
    // Hx-Reswap: innerHTML
    hx.Response(w, hx.SwapInnerHtml)
    // Hx-Reswap: innerHTML

Setting the reswap header with modifiers:

func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    hx.Response(w, hx.SwapInnerHtml.IgnoreTitle().Transition())
    // Hx-Reswap: innerHTML ignoreTitle:true transition:true


The Trigger option is used to set the HX-Trigger Response Header. It takes a variable number of events to trigger on the client.

Events are created using hx.Event and can be either simple names or complex objects. The supported events include:

Setting a simple event:

func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    hx.Response(w, hx.Trigger(hx.Event("my-event")))
    // Hx-Trigger: {"my-event":null}

Setting a complex event:

func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    myEvent := map[string]any{
        "foo": "bar",
        "baz": 123,

    hx.Response(w, hx.Trigger(hx.Event("my-event", myEvent)))
	  // Hx-Trigger: {"my-event":{"foo":"bar","baz":123}}

Setting multiple events:

func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    hx.Response(w, hx.Trigger(
        hx.Event("my-other-event", "my-other-event-value"),
    // Hx-Trigger: {"my-event":null,"my-other-event":"my-other-event-value"}

The data, which is the second parameter of the Event, is variadic. If more than one data value is passed, the event is set to an array of those values. The following events demonstrate this equivalence:

func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    hx.Response(w, hx.Trigger(
        hx.Event("my-event-1", "foo", "bar"),
        hx.Event("my-event-2", []string{"foo", "bar"}),
    // Hx-Trigger: {"my-event-1":["foo","bar"], "my-event-2":["foo","bar"]}

Both TriggerAfterSettle and TriggerAfterSwap are available to trigger events after the response has settled or been swapped respectively. They take the same event arguments as Trigger.


The Status option is used to set the HTTP status code of the response. There is only one status constant available:

  • StatusStopPolling: Sets the HTTP status code to 286 which is used by HTMX to halt polling requests

Setting the status code:

func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    hx.Response(w, hx.StatusStopPolling)
    // HTTP/1.1 286

The Status option can be used to set any HTTP status code and is not limited to the constants provided by this library.

func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    hx.Response(w, hx.Status(http.StatusGone))
    // HTTP/1.1 410

Usage with different HTTP frameworks

With the standard library, and other frameworks that adhere to its http.ResponseWriter interface, the Response function can be used directly to modify the response.

Standard Library (and some like Chi)

package main

import (


func helloWorldHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Add HTMX headers and a status code to the response
	err := hx.Response(w,
	if err != nil {

	// Write the response body
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello World")

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/", helloWorldHandler)

	fmt.Println("Server starting on port 8080...")
	if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil); err != nil {

Echo, Fiber, and other frameworks

For frameworks that do not use the standard library's http.ResponseWriter interface, there are request and response helpers available to make it easier to work with HTMX.

For example, with Echo:

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Create a new instance of Echo
	e := echo.New()

	// Define a route for "/"
	e.GET("/", func(c echo.Context) error {
		// use hxecho.IsHtmx to determine if the request is an HTMX request
		if hxecho.IsHtmx(c) {
			// do something
			// Adds HTMX headers but does not set the Status Code
			r, err := hxecho.Response(c,
				// Continue to use the base htmx types and options
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// Set the HTMX status code here and response body
			return c.String(r.StatusCode(), "Hello Echo")

	// Start the server on port 8080

You will find request and response helpers for the following frameworks:

The Response function for each library will return a default status of 200 if no status is set. If you need to set a status code, you can use the Status option.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request. If at all possible, please provide an example with your bug reports and tests with your pull requests.

Reporting Bugs

  • If you find a bug, please open an issue.
  • Include a clear description of the bug, steps to reproduce it, and any relevant logs or screenshots.
  • Before creating a new issue, please check if it has already been reported to avoid duplicates.

Suggesting Enhancements

  • We're always looking to improve our library. If you have ideas for new features or enhancements, feel free to open an issue to discuss it.
  • Clearly explain your suggestion and its potential benefits.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.