
Static Comp Challenge, Module 1

Primary LanguageHTML

Static Comp: Garden Sprout

Project Description

  • In this project, students were given a static comp which we were to use as a model to build a similar static webpage. While we were expected to preserve the integrity of the layout of the static comp, we were given creative license to alter copy, text, images, etc. Students weren't given any code with which to start this project. It was a completely new build.


  • The only HTML or CSS I knew prior to this project was from the intro lessons on Codecademy. I really had no foundational knowledge which means I learned a ton. I was able to set colors, include images, and provide links among other things. I was also able to being learning about other concepts such as responsiveness, browser compatibility, flexbox and grid.

  • I enjoyed being creative in the areas where that was permitted. I feel like I was able to get a tate of what it will mean to be able to build something from the ground up which was exciting.


  • Because my knowledge was so limited, this project was incredibly time consuming. I felt like I was googling to figure out how to write nearly every line of code.

  • For my first project, I'm please with what I was able to accomplish, but my site has a long way to go to more closely align with the provided comp. There are somethings I still don't know how to do, like have icons or text overlay an image. There are also some things I need more time to practice like flexbox and grid.

  • I also need more instruction, study, and time around responsiveness and normalize.css. I'm not sure I have a solid grasp of the process (what I should do first/next/last) on these concepts in terms of building my page.

Static Comp

alt text

Garden Sprout

alt text

Project Contributor

-Stacy Potten, https://github.com/stacyp2006