
Automated Docker build for PiAware + dump1090-fa + lighttpd. For Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Docker build of PiAware 5.0 + dump1090-fa + OpenLayers3 + lighttpd, for Raspberry Pi.


Intended for use on LibreELEC(Kodi) with Docker and Portainer addons.


Prepare Raspberry Pi

Install LibreELEC

Boot the Pi using LibreELEC from PINN (PINN Is Not NOOBS):


or using the LibreELEC installer:


Enable SSH

  • Kodi main menu -> Add-ons -> LibreELEC Configuration -> Services -> Enable SSH


Blacklist RTL Kernel Module

  • Connect using SSH and create the blacklist file:
echo 'blacklist dvb-usb-rtl28xxu' > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-rtl28xxu.conf
  • Reboot

Install Add-ons:

Install the Docker add-on :

  • Kodi main menu -> Add-ons -> Install from repository

Install from Repo

  • LibreELEC Add-ons -> Services -> Docker


Install the Portainer add-on:

  • LibreELEC Add-ons -> Add-on Repository -> LinuxServer.io's Docker Add-ons

Docker Repo

  • Kodi main menu -> Add-ons -> Install from repository
  • LinuxServer.io's Docker Add-ons -> Services -> Portainer


Install Piaware

Access Portainer at: (replace the IP with the address of your Raspberry Pi)


Deploy Container

  • Containers -> Add container
    • Container name: Piaware
    • Image configuration Name: obstruse/piaware
    • Port mapping
      • 8180 -> 8080 (to avoid conflict with Kodi on 8080)
      • 30005 -> 30005 (data in Beast format)
      • 30105 -> 30105 (MLAT data in Beast format)
    • Disable Access control
    • Console: Interactive & TTY
    • Restart policy: Unless stopped
    • Runtime & Resources: Privileged Mode
  • Click Deploy the container

Container-1 Restart Policy Resources

The PiAware Skyview web page will be available on port 8180 on your Raspberry Pi; the OpenLayers3 web page will be available on port 8181.

Claim your PiAware client on FlightAware.com


Set Location and Height of Site

Go to your stats page:


Click on the gear icon to the right of your site name, and configure location and height.

Changing Feeder ID

The feeder ID is assigned when the feeder first connects, and is stored in the PiAware instance. If you redeploy PiAware, a new feeder ID is assigned and will look like a new site on FlightAware. If you want to continue using the same site after redeploying, you need to manually reconfigure the feeder ID.

piaware-config feeder-id
  • Paste the unique identifier.
  • Restart piaware
