
Official PHP low-level client for Elasticsearch.

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION


Official low-level client for Elasticsearch. Its goal is to provide common ground for all Elasticsearch-related code in PHP; because of this it tries to be opinion-free and very extendable.

To maintain consistency across all the low-level clients (Ruby, Python, etc), clients accept simple associative arrays as parameters. All parameters, from the URI to the document body, are defined in the associative array.


  • One-to-one mapping with REST API and other language clients
  • Configurable, automatic discovery of cluster nodes
  • Persistent, Keep-Alive connections (within the lifetime of the script)
  • Load balancing (with pluggable selection strategy) across all available nodes. Defaults to round-robin
  • Pluggable connection pools to offer different connection strategies
  • Generalized, pluggable architecture - most components can be replaced with your own custom class if specialized behavior is required

Version Matrix

Elasticsearch Version Elasticsearch-PHP Branch
>= 2.0 (unreleased) Master
>= 1.0, < 2.0 1.0
<= 0.90.x 0.4

Since there are breaking changes in Elasticsearch 1.0 (and 2.0 when it is released), you need to match your version of Elasticsearch to the appropriate version of this library.

  • If you are using Elasticsearch 1.0+, you must install the 1.0 Elasticsearch-PHP branch.
  • If you are using a version older than 1.0, you must install the 0.4 Elasticsearch-PHP branch. Since ES 0.90.x and below is now EOL, the corresponding 0.4 branch will not receive any more development or bugfixes. Please upgrade.
  • You should never use Elasticsearch-PHP Master branch, as it tracks Elasticearch master and may contain incomplete features or breaks in backwards compat. Only use ES-PHP master if you are developing against ES master for some reason.

v2.0 Beta

Did you know there is a brand new version of Elasticsearch-PHP in beta right now? If you are currently using ES-PHP, you should try it out and send feedback! If you are new to Elasticsearch-PHP, you should start your project with v2.0, since that is the direction that the codebase is moving in.

v2.0 features:

  • New HTTP core based on RingPHP, the internal HTTP core that powers Guzzle5
  • Because of RingPHP, we can now expose an optional asynchronous mode (based on futures) which allows parallel execution of curl requests, for much better throughput
  • Fewer dependencies, making for a smaller distribution and fewer conflicts
  • Simplification of the architecture, making the entire codebase smaller and more pluggable with less overhead

Check out the documentation here. Breaking changes here.

Try it in your project today!

    "require": {
       "elasticsearch/elasticsearch": "~2.0@beta"


Full documentation can be found here. Docs are stored within the repo under /docs/, so if you see a typo or problem, please submit a PR to fix it!

Installation via Composer

The recommended method to install Elasticsearch-PHP is through Composer.

  1. Add elasticsearch/elasticsearch as a dependency in your project's composer.json file (change version to suit your version of Elasticsearch):

            "require": {
                "elasticsearch/elasticsearch": "~1.0"
  2. Download and install Composer:

        curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
  3. Install your dependencies:

        php composer.phar install --no-dev
  4. Require Composer's autoloader

    Composer also prepares an autoload file that's capable of autoloading all of the classes in any of the libraries that it downloads. To use it, just add the following line to your code's bootstrap process:

        require 'vendor/autoload.php';
        $client = new Elasticsearch\Client();

You can find out more on how to install Composer, configure autoloading, and other best-practices for defining dependencies at getcomposer.org.

You'll notice that the installation command specified --no-dev. This prevents Composer from installing the various testing and development dependencies. For average users, there is no need to install the test suite (which also includes the complete source code of Elasticsearch). If you wish to contribute to development, just omit the --no-dev flag to be able to run tests.

PHP Version Requirement

The minimum version of PHP that this library supports is 5.3.9. For a longer explanation as to why this is the case, see Minimum PHP Version Requirement Documentation.

Index a document

In elasticsearch-php, almost everything is configured by associative arrays. The REST endpoint, document and optional parameters - everything is an associative array.

To index a document, we simply specify a body that contains the document that we wish to index. Each field in the document is represented by a different key/value pair in the associative array.

The index, type and ID are also specified in the parameters assoc. array:

    $params = array();
    $params['body']  = array('testField' => 'abc');
    $params['index'] = 'my_index';
    $params['type']  = 'my_type';
    $params['id']    = 'my_id';
    $ret = $client->index($params);

Get a document

Let's get the document that we just indexed:

    $getParams = array();
    $getParams['index'] = 'my_index';
    $getParams['type']  = 'my_type';
    $getParams['id']    = 'my_id';
    $retDoc = $client->get($getParams);

Search for a document

Searching is a hallmark of elasticsearch (no surprise there!), so let's perform a basic search. We are going to use the Match query as a demonstration:

    $searchParams['index'] = 'my_index';
    $searchParams['type']  = 'my_type';
    $searchParams['body']['query']['match']['testField'] = 'abc';
    $queryResponse = $client->search($searchParams);

    echo $queryResponse['hits']['hits'][0]['_id']; // Outputs 'abc'

Update a document

Let's update a document we have indexed:

    $updateParams['index']          = 'my_index';
    $updateParams['type']           = 'my_type';
    $updateParams['id']             = 'my_id';
    $updateParams['body']['doc']    = array('my_key' => 'new_value');

    $retUpdate = $client->update($updateParams);

Delete a document

Alright, let's go ahead and delete the document that we added previously:

    $deleteParams = array();
    $deleteParams['index'] = 'my_index';
    $deleteParams['type'] = 'my_type';
    $deleteParams['id'] = 'my_id';
    $retDelete = $client->delete($deleteParams);

Delete an index

Due to the dynamic nature of elasticsearch, the first document we added automatically built an index with some default settings. Let's delete that index because we want to specify our own settings later:

    $deleteParams['index'] = 'my_index';

Create an index

Ok, now that we are starting fresh, let's add a new index with some custom settings:

    $indexParams['index'] = 'my_index';
    $indexParams['body']['settings']['number_of_shards'] = 2;
    $indexParams['body']['settings']['number_of_replicas'] = 0;

Wrap up

That was just a crash-course overview of the client and it's syntax. If you are familiar with elasticsearch, you'll notice that the methods are named just like REST endpoints.

You'll also notice that the client is configured in a manner that facilitates easy discovery via the IDE. All core actions are available under the $client object (indexing, searching, getting, etc). Index and cluster management are located under the $client->indices() and $client->cluster() objects, respectively.

Check out the rest of the Documentation to see how the entire client works.

Available Licenses

Starting with version 1.3.1, Elasticsearch-PHP is available under two licenses: Apache v2.0 and LGPL v2.1. Versions prior to 1.3.1 are still licensed with only Apache v2.0

The user may choose which license they wish to use. Since there is no discriminating executable or distribution bundle to differentiate licensing, the user should document their license choice externally, in case the library is re-distributed. If no explicit choice is made, assumption is that redistribution obeys rules of both licenses.


All contributions to the library are to be so that they can be licensed under both licenses.

Apache v2.0 License:

Copyright 2013-2014 Elasticsearch

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

LGPL v2.1 Notice:

Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Elasticsearch

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA