
Maven Plugin for Hibernate Tools

Primary LanguageJava


Maven Plugin to generate JPA Entities from an existing database using hibernate-tools.

NOTE: As of hibernate-tools >= 5.3.0.Beta2 (hibernate/hibernate-tools#838) this plugin has been integrated into hibernate-tools itself. Therefore further development of this project is discontinued in favor of the hibernate-tools version.

Development status

Currently the plugin allows database reverse engineering configurations (JDBCMetaDataConfiguration) to export JPA Entities (hbm2java) and Schema Files (hbm2ddl).

Maven Plugin Site


Hibernate Tools Documentation

For details about the usage of hibernate-tools see: https://docs.jboss.org/tools/latest/en/hibernatetools/html_single/


An example project using this plugin can be found here: https://github.com/stadler/hibernate-tools-maven-plugin-sample

The plugin declaration may look as follows:

        <!-- Old (this project) -->
        <!-- New (hibernate-tools) -->
                <id>Display Help</id>
                <id>Entity generation</id>
                    <!-- Defaults: -->
                <id>Schema generation</id>
                    <!--Possible targetType: SCRIPT (default), STDOUT, DATABASE-->
                    <!-- Defaults:-->
                     <!--Possible schemaExportAction: CREATE (default), DROP, BOTH-->
            <!-- Defaults:-->
                <!-- DB Driver of your choice -->