Mattermost Cloud Database Factory Vertical Scaling

This repository houses the open-source components of Mattermost Cloud Database Factory Vertical Scaling. This is a microservice with the purpose of checking CPU and Memory performance of Aurora RDS Cluster instances and scale vertically by increasing the instance class.

Microservice Dependencies

For this tool to work a couple of infrastructure components are required. A cloudwatch alarm is deployed (by Mattermost Cloud Database Factory) for each of the RDS cluster nodes that gets in alarm state when the CPU or Memory is over a preconfigured value. This alarm sends a notification to a SNS topic, which then adds a message to a SQS queue. This message is picked up by the vertical scaling tool to handle instance class changes.


Environment Setup

  1. Install Go
  2. Specify the region in your AWS config, e.g. ~/.aws/config:
[profile mm-cloud]
region = us-east-1
  1. Generate an AWS Access and Secret key pair, then export them in your bash profile:
export AWS_PROFILE=mm-cloud
  1. Clone this repository into your GOPATH (or anywhere if you have Go Modules enabled)
  2. Export the following environment variables:
export QueueURL="The URL of the SQS queue that receives the Cloudwatch alarm notifications"
export MattermostNotificationsHook="The mattermost hook to use for notifications"
export MattermostAlertsHook="The mattermost hook to use for alerts"


Simply run the following:

$ make build


Run the app with:

$ /go/bin/database-factory-vertical-scaling