Nuxt Component Meta

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Gather components metadata on build time and make them available on production. This module is developed to give a visual Markdown Editor with Vue Components in it for Nuxt Studio.

Quick Setup

  1. Add nuxt-component-meta dependency to your project:
# Using PNPM
pnpm add nuxt-component-meta

# Using NPM
npm install nuxt-component-meta
  1. Add nuxt-component-meta to the modules section of your nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-component-meta']


    <h2>`MyComponent` metadata</h2>
      {{ meta }}

<script script>
const { data: meta } = await useAsyncData('my-component', () => $fetch('/api/component-meta/my-component'))

Nightly Builds

You can install the latest nightly build of the Studio module by running:

npm i nuxt-component-meta@nightly


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies using pnpm install
  3. Start dev server using pnpm dev