
All final materials from Getting and Cleaning Data course project for peer review.

Primary LanguageR


================================================================== Getting and Cleaning Data: Course Project README Last modified: 7/26/2015 @ 2:30PM

Folder contains (4) files:

1_ Course project README (README.md);

2_ Data set containing final output (tidy_data.txt);

3_ Course project codebook (codebook.md), which contains definitions and transformation information on variables in tidy_data.txt; and,

4_ Analysis file (run.analysis.R), which contains code (and notes) necessary to download, merge, and transform raw data, and output tidy_data.txt.

Raw data sourcing and notes:

Additional notes:

  • All values in tidy_data.txt are the arithmetic means of all observations grouped by subject ID, activity, and measurement.

  • There are 30 subject IDs, 6 activities, and 78 unique measurements.