
TDT4140 project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#ShoutOut Version 1.5.6 25/04/2017


ShoutOut is a web application that aims to solve the problem of asking anonymous questions in lectures. To make it fast and easy to use there is no need for either the teacher or the student to sign up.


Currently tested in Chrome 56 and Firefox 48


The web application is split in two views; the teacher and the student. The teacher starts by making a new lecture with a name, e.g. TDT4140. The students join the lecture by writing in the name.

In the teachers view of the lecture, questions appear in real-time when the students publish them and the teacher can also see the number of votes cast by other students on each question. If the teacher answers the question, the question gets automatically placed at the bottom of the page.

In the students view of the lecture, questions also appear in real-time and students can vote on each other’s question by clicking the voting button.


Make sure you are connected to your local network. Install node.js and redis.js https://nodejs.org/en/ https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis/releases before running the server. Enter "npm install" in terminal to host the server, then enter "node index" in the terminal.

For Mac and Linux systems, download redis from https://redis.io/ and follow instructions. Then start the server by running the "redis-server" command. You might have to change directory to you redis folder.

On windows systems, download the lates realse from https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis/releases. The change directory to your Redis folder and run "redis-server redis.windows.config".

NB! Remember to initiate the Redis server before the Node server.


In your web browser, type host's ip adress followed by a colon followed by the port number (3001 on default). Example:


The unit test is in the test.js file. To be able to run the tests, you first need to be able to host a server. You also need to open node_modules/socket-tester/index.js in a text editor and change this.timeout from 25 to 150 set timeout to higher if you have a slow performing computer. Delete the database file "db.sqlite3" at the root of the project folder every time before running the test. enter "npm test test" in the terminal to run the test.


Sondre Stai Jørgen Stamnes Håkon Hoff Ingvild Høgstøyl