Simple Search


The simple search is a command line driven text search engine written in java. This tool read all the text files in the given directory, building an in-memory representation of the files and their contents (inverted index), and then give a command prompt at which interactive searches can be performed.


Tools used:

  • OpenJDK 17.0.5
  • Apache Maven 3.9.0
  • Docker 20.10.20


You can run unit tests with the following command:

mvn test

The code coverage report will be generated in the target/site repository.


If you want to build the application with maven, run the following command:

mvn clean package

The generated application will be available under the target folder.

Running Cli

You can run the Cli with the following command:

java -jar target/simple-search.jar [searchPath]


If you want to build the application with Docker, run the following command:

docker build -t simple-search .

And then, execute with:

docker run -it -v [localSearchPath]:/search simple-search .