
Convert RDFS/OWL ontology to JSON-LD context

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Build Status doi:10.5281/zenodo.10565

Convert OWL ontology to JSON-LD context

This tool generate a JSON-LD @context for concepts (classes and properties) found in the specified OWL or RDFS ontology.


The official releases contain an uberjar (standalone) JAR, which bundles all dependencies and can be used as a commandline tool.

The uberjar contains OWL API, which is distributed under the alternative of LGPL or Apache license 2.0.

Installing from source

Install dependencies:

Check out owl2jsonld (this project) and build it:

$ git clone https://github.com/stain/owl2jsonld.git
$ cd owl2jsonld
$ lein uberjar

Command line usage

Generate JSON-LD context from the given RDFS/OWL ontology URL(s):

$ java -jar owl2jsonld-*-standalone.jar [-a|-n] [-c|-p] [-P PREFIX] [-i] [-o OUTPUT] [-e] ONTOLOGY ...

To avoid making a uberjar (e.g. during development), you may alternatively run the tool using:

$ lein run -- [options] ONTOLOGY`


Convert OWL ontology to JSON-LD context

Usage: owl2jsonld [options] ONTOLOGY...

  -a, --all-imports    Include all OWL-imported concepts (default: only directly referenced elements)
  -d, --only-defined   Include only concepts which are rdfs:isDefinedBy the specified ontologies
  -c, --classes        Include only classes
  -p, --properties     Include only properties
  -P, --prefix PREFIX  JSON-LD prefix to use for generated concepts (default: no prefix)
  -i, --inherit        Inherit prefixes from the source ontology
  -o, --output OUTPUT  Output file for generated JSON-LD context (default: write to STDOUT)
  -v, --verbose        Verbose output on STDERR
  -h, --help

More info: README.md or https://github.com/stain/owl2jsonld


$ java -jar owl2jsonld-0.2.1-standalone.jar http://purl.org/pav/
{ "@context": {
    "authoredBy": { "@id": "http://purl.org/pav/authoredBy",
                    "@type": "@id"
    "authoredOn": { "@id": "http://purl.org/pav/authoredOn",
                    "@type" "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime"

Usage from Clojure

To use from Clojure with Leiningen, use the Clojar dependency owl2jsonld:

[owl2jsonld "0.2.1"]


Copyright © 2014 Stian Soiland-Reyes, University of Manchester.

This source code is distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

The uberjar contains OWL API, which is distributed under the alternative of LGPL or Apache license 2.0.


Cite as:

Soiland-Reyes, Stian (2014). owl2jsonld 0.2.1. ZENODO. 10.5281/zenodo.10565

(Check https://github.com/stain/owl2jsonld#cite for latest version/citation)